Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four
house plant

"You think he's in there?" Addison's voice was hushed. Though she was still in the car, she was afraid that she might be heard somehow.

"It's our only option, he has to be." Max said, determined. "Do you want to stay in the car?"

"'No!" Addison cleared her throat, fidgeting with the hem of her striped tank top. The navy blue jacket she wore hung low, past her thighs. The sleeves covered her hands, providing a sense of security. "No. I'm okay, I want to find him too."

Max interlocked their fingers, pulling their hands up and pressing a kiss to the back of Addison's. "We will."

"Come on," Max opened the car door, scooting out herself before helping Addison out. Immediately, as they were both out of the car, Max interlocked their fingers again. Addison couldn't help but bite back the smile threatening to spread as she followed Max up the old and creaky steps.

Dustin, Robin, and Steve already stood there, with Dustin repeatedly ringing the doorbell.

In a huff, Steve rolled his eyes. "Will you stop?"

Dustin ignored him, pressing the doorbell again. Steve rolled his eyes, tossing his hand up in exasperation. "I mean, dude, clearly no one is home-"

"Eddie!" Dustin cut Steve off, pounding on the door. "Eddie! Eddie, it's Dustin! I brought Addie!"

"I'm here! Eddie, please come out. We know you didn't do anything! Okay? I was there! I saw it, I know you didn't do it. Please, Eddie!" Addison freed her hand from Max's using both fists to pound on the door. At this, Max took it as an excuse to look around the other side of the house with Robin.

"Great!" Steve scoffed, turning to Robin in annoyance. "Unbelievable."

"It's just us, okay? Steve, Robin, and Max, too. But they don't have to come in, I don't even have to come in. If- If you just want Dustin, that's fine! That's fine! Just please, let us help you!" Addison had stopped pounding on the door, spreading her fingers along the old wood. "Just, we need to help you."

"We just wanna talk, okay? We just wanna talk. No cops, just us. We want to help." Dustin's voice was filled with desperation. "Please, we want to help!"

"Rick?" Addison tried, moving to look into the living room through the window. "Are you there? Hey! Reefer Rick! Reefer Rick! Open up! Rick, open the door!"

"Reefer Rick! Reefer Rick!" Dustin shouted, ponding on the door. "Reefer Rick!"

"Stop screaming that!" Steve scolded, roughly pulling him back. "He's not here!"

"Maybe he's scared?" Addison suggested, "Hey, Eddie. If you can hear me, it's just us. We could never hurt you, and none of us want to- Rick, if it's you.. stop giving him drugs."

"He could be really high.. because of the drugs." Dustin added on, shrugging. Steve rolled his eyes, turning around and covering his face in disbelief. He mumbled to himself, dropping his hands slowly.

His face contorted in disgust as he quickly turned back around, shakily pointing at an object. "Is that a foot?"

Dustin sighed in annoyance, shoulders dropping. "No, Steve, that's a shoe!"

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