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Luna was an FBI Agent for Atlanta before the world fell. She usually went undercover, and usually got in bad situations with bad people, but always came out on top. Until one day, a serial killer took her hostage and she almost didn't make it out alive. She never really felt the same after that.

Luna was married to Jared Wood, her high school sweetheart. At the ripe age of sixteen, she got pregnant with Sage, her daughter, now age six. Jared finally popped the question after their high school graduation. They had a beautiful wedding and honeymoon at the beach. Luna then went to quantico and got hired as an agent for FBI Atlanta to start her career.

She was investigating a case the day the world fell. A well known drug dealer was giving kids a new, dangerous drug. Most of the kids overdosed and died within seconds. Luna and her partner walked into an apartment in downtown Atlanta filled with dead kids and teens, too young to be doing drugs. The dead kids kept coming at her. One of the kids took down her partner and started to eat off his face. She kept shooting, but they kept coming. Until, she shot them in the head. She wasn't sure if the drug was making the kids act this way... or what was happening. She quickly learned it was everyone. If you died, you turned. If you got bit, you turned. It didn't matter, we all had it. It only became deadly if you got bit.

She rushed home to find Jared and Sage loading up a car. They heard about a refugee center in the city.


"We can't go to Atlanta. It's already overrun." I say, knowing what I faced and the madness that was already consuming the city as we spoke.

"What are we going to do then?" Jared asks.


Many months later, maybe it was a year. After a while, I lost track of time. We were in a rural, small city in Georgia. Sadly, there wasn't much around. We were hungry, tired, and hot. There was a pharmacy, hardware store, and a bar.

I went into the pharmacy to see what I could find. I had Sage on my hip, who only made me even more tired, but I had to keep fighting for her. I made Jared that promise and I owed it to him.

Sage and I were looking around. "Stay close, ok?" I tell her.

"Ok mommy." She says.

While we are looking through the pharmacy to see what we could find, the door suddenly opens. I'm met with a girl and a guy around my age.

I point my gun at them. They do the same, until they see Sage, hiding behind my leg.

"We mean you no harm." the girl says. I was good at reading people. I lowered my gun. I was still wearing my FBI vest.

"Woah, FBI? That's badass." the boy says, as the girl nudges him to shut up.

"Where are you headed?" the girl asks.

"No where. Just surviving." I say.

Sage says, "Mommy, I'm hungry."

"When's the last time you ate?" the girl asks.

"Days..." I say.

"I'm Maggie. This is Glenn. My father owns a farm a few miles down the road. We have people there. Lots of crops for food and wells full of water. Why don't you come with us? You'll be safer there than out here." she says.

"I'm Luna. This is my daughter, Sage." I say.

"Nice to meet you." Maggie says. Glenn smiles.

They grab a few things. I notice them grabbing condoms and laughing to each other. Maggie feels me glaring. I didn't mean to stare, I just didn't see the point of love anymore. I had lost all hope in this world. The only thing that keeps me going is Sage.

Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now