After a hard year of being kidnapped by a serial killer during an investigation as an undercover agent, Luna returned back to Atlanta FBI.
When she returns to investigate a mystery drug that has been killing kids, she discovers that the dead kids w...
We run as fast as we can through the woods, towards home. The horn was still blaring. I knew something was wrong... they were in trouble and now the horn was drawing the horde of walkers straight towards home.
Rick tells Daryl to keep moving and to keep the rest of the herd away from Alexandra, while the rest were heading right to it.
"Alright, listen. Here's the new plan. Luna and I go back and get the RV, circle around the woods on Redding. We'll get in front of them before they get there. We can lead them away again." Rick says.
A few other men offer to go with us, but Rick tells them to get home. Alexandria was going to need all the manpower it could get, especially without all of us.
Glenn wants to come along with us, but Rick tells him no. They need to get home and help everyone there.
"The thing is, they aren't all gonna make it." Rick says.
"Rick..." Michonne says, but Riley stops her from continuing any further.
"You try to save them, you try, but they can't keep up, you keep going. You have to. You make sure you get back." Rick says.
The horn finally stopped. I wanted to feel relieved, but I knew something was wrong. I wouldn't feel fine until the horde was back on track and until I held my babies in my arms.
"Get back safe." Rick says to everyone, before we part ways.
Rick looks to me. "We gotta do this, and we gotta hurry."
"Maybe I should go back... they might need help. What about the kids? Judith?" I ask.
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He quickly grabs my hands. "You can't go alone, plus I need your help. You have to trust that Carl and Sage and Judith are safe. They can handle themselves, just like we taught them to. We do this together, and then go home together."
I nod, and we quickly share a kiss before we run towards the RV.
Glenn gives us a warning and says we have 20 minutes to get to the RV. We run into a few walkers, but take them out. Rick's hand was bad not hurt.
"Leave it." he says.
"No." I say, ripping a piece of my tank top and wrapping his hand with it. "This will do for now."
"Let's go!" he says, as we run and don't look back.
We make it back to the RV. Rick tosses me the keys, "DRIVE!" he yells, sitting passenger to me.
I put the keys in the ignition and start it up, driving off. I was going so fast, I nearly tipped the damn thing over. "Okay, next time I'm driving. You're terrible." he says, giving a slight chuckle. His hand was soaking through my tank top. He sees me looking at it.
"I'm fine. Just keep going, baby." he says.
I drive us to the spot. Rick tells me to stop. He radios Glenn. "Glenn, Luna and I are in place by our best guess. You guys make it back yet? Glenn!" Rick says, but there's nothing but static. Rick reaches out to Tobin, still nothing. "Daryl?" Rick asks, looking at me. I could see the fear in his eyes, but he would never admit it was scared.