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We finally make it back to Alexandria. I never thought I'd say this, but... damn, it felt good to be home.

Sasha and Aaron are the first ones to greet us.
"Get Olivia. Should inventory what we have. We'll meet her at the pantry." Rick says.

"You have food?" Sasha asks.

"Yeah, along with what we got in the truck, we should have enough for another month or two." I say.

"I need everybody in the church in an hour." Rick says.

"What is it?" Sasha asks.

"We'll talk about it." Rick says.

"Rick, Luna... what's going on?" Carol asks.

"We're gonna have to fight." Rick tells her. She nods. I just hope we were ready.

After the food gets unloaded, Rick, Sage, and I go home. "Carl!" I say, pulling him in for a big, tight hug.

"Oh my god... you're neck." Carl says, seeing the bruises from being strangled.

"You should see the other guy." I say.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"He's dead. He was gonna kill your father. Hell, I would be dead if it wasn't for Daryl. We got lucky.... but I have a feeling we are all gonna have to kill a lot more." I say.

"Why?" he asks.

"Some asshole named Negan. He's a tough ass and steals everyone's shit. We gotta take him down and kill that mother fucker." Sage says.

"Sage..." Rick says.

"I know, but you know it's true. Honestly, we haven't had to fight or kill a walker in a while... I wouldn't mind being outside these gates and kicking ass." she says.

"You miss it? Being out there?" I ask.

"Sort of. I miss the farm... and I miss the prison. Those are places of my childhood I will never forget. It just feels like a dream now." she says.

"Hey, we are still here. You still have us. We have this place now. It's your home. It's our home." Rick says.

"Yeah... you're right. But Carl, you have to see Hilltop." she says.

"What was it like?" he asks.

"Kind of reminded me of the farm and the prison. There were livestock, crops... and people." she says.

"And Sage met a boy." I say, teasing her.

"Sage talking to a boy?" Carls laughs. "Yeah right."

"Oh, stop it. Watch out, I might steal your girlfriend. I'm not just a one way street." she says.

"Sage, you couldn't steal Enid. She's not into girls." Carl says.

"How do you know? Maybe she likes both, like me." she says. It was new development for Sage, but I was happy for her and supported her.

"We'll I happen to like her so..." Carl says.

"I knew it." I say.

"Okay, enough. I'm going to see everyone else. Sage, you coming?" Carl asks.

Rick and I walk upstairs. Judith was in her crib, sleeping. She was getting so big. She would outgrow her crib before we knew it. All of our kids were growing up so fast. It felt like yesterday, I was in that pharmacy, alone. So much has changed since then. If you would have told me that I'd be married, with a baby, in a big ass house... I would have laughed in your face. It felt like a dream, that was now a reality.

Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now