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"You should come with us

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"You should come with us." I tell Carl.

"Without mom and Sage, someone's got to be here for Judith." he says.

"There's people who want to help. We'll only be gone a few days at the most. We need supplies. They're gonna be coming back soon." I say.

"Is this how it's gonna be now?" Carl says, with an attitude.

"Yes. It is. You know that." I say.

"Why couldn't she have stayed?" he asks me.

"You know why..." I say.

"See you in a few days." he says to me.

"We should get going." I say to Michonne, Aaron, and Riley.

"He'll come around." Aaron says. "I'll, uh, meet you downstairs."

I hand Michonne a radio.

"If you change your mind, we're headed north." I say.

"Good luck." she says.

"I'll give you two a minute." I say, heading downstairs.

"Be careful." I hear Michonne tell Riley.

"Always am. See you soon, beautiful." he says, kissing her lips.

"Ready to go?" I ask him.

"Hell yeah." Riley says.

Riley, Aaron, and I had to go even farther out this time. We are running out of places to go to find supplies. We spent the night inside the back of a supply truck.

"Hey man, you alright?" Riley asks.

"Yeah, just thinking about her." I respond, holding a lighter to see a Polaroid picture she insisted we take together as a family.

"I miss her, too. Whatcha got there?" he asks.

I hand him the picture and the lighter. "When did y'all take this? I'm surprised you got Carl and Sage in there, too." he says.

I chuckle. "Well, it wasn't easy but... she insisted and wouldn't shut up about it until we got dressed up and took it together."

"Sounds exactly like Luna." he says, as we both laugh, but not loud enough to wake Aaron.

"I'm worried about her there... Was your Uncle Nick... I mean, Negan... a good man before?" I ask.

"Yeah... I mean, we got along well. He spent most of his time with Luna, which I guess makes since now, considering the new information that came into light. But yeah, he was always there for us when we needed him. Back then, he was a pretty good person... but I don't recognize him now. I guess the world changed some of us. Hell, maybe all of us." Riley says.

Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now