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My Season 5 Poster :)

*********************************************We were all still inside of the boxcar, catching up and telling the stories of how we survived, how we got here

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We were all still inside of the boxcar, catching up and telling the stories of how we survived, how we got here. We were taking off our belts and making them into weapons. Anything we had that was sharp or that we could make sharp, we got it ready. We weren't going down without a fight. I slid my knife up my sleeve, concealed but ready to use. We knew they were coming for us and we were gonna be ready.

"All right, got four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl says.

"Y'all know what to do. Go for their eyes first. Then their throats." Rick says.

"Don't mind if I do." I say, ready to end this. Rick taps my ass at my comment, trying to be cute. He was crazy and that's why I loved him... well only part of why I loved him. There were many reasons.

A man yells out, "Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car. NOW!"

We expect them to come in the way we came, but they certainly surprised us. I hear footsteps on the roof. "They're on the damn roof." I whisper to Rick.

The roof reveals sunlight, and a can drops. Probably some kind of gas to knock us off our ass.

"Move!" Abraham says as the fan explodes and the gas fills up our lungs, making us cough and fight to breath.

I try to search for Rick, but the gas made the entire car smoke up. I couldn't see a damn thing. Before I know it, my lungs filled up with gas and I loose consciousness.


I get pulled out of the damn train car, and slammed face down on the ground. A man hovers me over me before using his foot to kick the shit out of me, knocking me out. When I come to, we walk through a room. It was a damn butcher shop, but the meat of the day was human beings. The sounds of saws cutting through bone and flesh, didn't sit right with me at all. They tied our hands and feet together using zip ties, and covered our mouths with cloths to gag us. They line us up along a metal tub. I look around see familiar faces, even one I met on the run with Carol that went missing. The one I gave my watch to. The sound of the knife scraping made the hair on the back of my neck stick straight up. These people were sick. They were cannibals, and we were up next on the menu. I tilt my head and think of all the ways I'm gonna kill 'em all. I'm gonna kill 'em and get my wife back. My kids back. Our group back. They had no idea who they were missing with.

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Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now