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Rick packs up some stuff for Carl, Maggie, and I.
Sage was going to stay behind and keep an eye on Judith and Alexandria.

I stayed in the RV, never leaving Maggie's side.


"Any change?" Sasha asks me.

"She's getting worse." I say.

"Good call on the transport." Abraham says.

"Well, I figured she'd be more comfortable." I say.

"It also means you got room for more. They're out there, so I'm gonna be there with you. We are." Abraham says, looking to Sasha.

"Package deal." she says.

"Uh, what she said." Eugene says, trying to argue against me. He just wanted to help and there was no stopping him.

Riley walks up, guns and gear in hand. "I'm coming, too. Don't even try to argue with me, Rick. Michonne is already gone out there. I'm not leaving my sister."

"Alright." I say, letting him on the RV.

"We're ready to protect this place and the Saviors know it. That's why they grabbed Eugene." Aaron says.

"Look, it's not up for discussion." I say to him.

"Then you're just gonna have to get Luna out here to punch me in the face and tie me up again. 'Cause that's what it's gonna take to stop me." Aaron says.

"Go on." I say. What was with everyone being so damn demanding today?

Carl walks into the RV with his gear and weapons.

Gabriel walks up to me. "We have 24 hour shifts set up on each of the watchtowers, each one of them fully supplied and ready. In case that we're incurred upon, we have drivers assigned, evacuation and distraction, and the rendezvous we discussed. In the event of any emergency, my first priority is Judith and Sage. I will not fail you or Luna. Are you comfortable leaving me in charge of Alexandria's defense?" he says to me.

I chuckle. "Yes." I say, about to walk into the RV.

"Hey, Rick." Spencer says. I turn around to face him.

"If the Saviors do show up... I don't know, I'm thinking if it's not too late, should we try and make some kind of deal?" Spencer asks me.

"Tell them to wait for me. I got a deal for them." I say.

"Hey, wait up!" I hear an all too familiar voice calling.

I see Sage with her weapons and gear. "No. Nope. No way. You aren't coming. Did you hear what your mother said? You need to stay here with Judith." I say to her.

"She's got Spencer and Gabriel... she will be fine. Let me be there for Aunt Maggie." she says to me.

"Sage, I can't let you do that." I say, knowing Luna will personally kill me for this.

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Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now