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"You shouldn't be in here

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"You shouldn't be in here." I tell him.

"I know..." Rick says.

"What's wrong?" I ask, noticing that something was bothering him.

"I told Daryl about Carol. I still need to tell Tyreese..." he trials off, wiping his face and clearly feeling guilty.

I pat the bed. "Come here." I say, moving over to make room for him.

He sits on the edge of the bed, intertwining his hand in mine. "How did he take it?" I ask.

"Not too good. He didn't like it. Maybe I made a mistake." he says.

I grab his other hand in mine. "No, you didn't make a mistake baby. I love Carol, but what she did was wrong. You were only doing what you could. Daryl understands that." I say, rubbing his hand in mine.

"I told her... I told her we would watch out for the girls. Lizzie, Mica. I don't want to stress you out, but I made her that promise." he says.

"And so we will. You're a good man, Rick, and an even better husband. Will you help me up? I want to go outside, feel the sun on my face." I say.

"Are you sure you're feeling up to it?" he asks.

"Yeah. Thanks to Bob for putting those meds in my IV, I'm feeling brand new." I say, barely able to stand up.

Rick comes over to my side and helps me. He wraps me in his arms. "I thought I was gonna loose you again."

"You didn't. I'm right here." I say.

"Yes... yes you are." he says, leaning in for kiss when walls of the prison start to shake. An explosion had went off from outside.

"Go!" I tell him. He looks at me, not wanting to leave my side. "Go. I'll be right behind you."

When I make my way outside, I see vehicles lined up by the fence line. I make my way to where our group is standing by the gate. I grab Maggie's arm and stand next to her. "You should be resting." she whispers and scolds me.

"Rick, Luna. Come down here. We need to talk." the Governor says.

Just when I thought things were starting to get better, this asshole shows up again.

"It's not up to me! There's a council now. They run this place." Rick yells back.

"Is Hershel on the council?" the Governor says, bringing Hershel out for all of us to see. His hands were tied behind his back. I see Maggie cover her mouth.

"What about Michonne?" the Governor says. "She on the council, too?" bringing her out with her hands tied for all of us to see.

I can see Riley tense up. He wipes his face and tries to stay calm. Riley and Michonne were pretty serious now. He loved her, and he would do anything for her, including saving her.

Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now