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We are back to walking along the railroad tracks. It was cold out. After Rick and I didn't get much sleep, I was tired. I didn't feel like walking, but I knew we had to keep going.

Riley and Michonne were walking behind us. Carl and Sage were walking behind them. Daryl was in between.

"You okay?" I hear Riley ask Michonne.

"Yeah." she says.

"I'm not sure if they are." Riley says.

"We're fine, asshole." I say to Riley, making Rick and Michonne laugh.

We come across another sign for Terminus.

"We're getting close. Be there before sundown." Daryl says.

"Now we head through the woods." Rick suggests. "We don't know who they are."

"All right." Daryl says, as we continue moving forward and through the woods.

We make our way to a fence line. We see Terminus and the buildings inside of it.

"We all spread out, watch for a while, see what we see, and get ready. We all stay close." Rick says.

"Y'all wanna stick with me?" Rick asks Carl and Sage.

Sage shakes her head. Carl says, "It's all right." as they walk away from him.

I join his side, "I'll stick with ya." smiling and taking his hand in mine for a brief second. Rick turns to watch them walk away. "They'll be fine. They will just need time... to process." I say.

"I know... and thank you." he says. I smile as we keep our eyes forward and watch out for anything that may seem suspicious.

Rick and I bury the remaining guns in the ground, taking out a few just in case we ran into any problems. Daryl walks over and looks confused. "Just in case." Rick says. We didn't know what we would be walking into, or running out of. We had to be prepared.

We hop over the fences, into Terminus ground now. We keep our weapons raised, just incase.

We run inside a building, where we hear a woman broadcasting the Terminus message that we had seen splattered all over the signs along the tracks. We slowly walk in to where a group of people look busy at work.

"Hello." Rick says, walking up to the lady broad casting the message. "Hello." he says again, a little less friendly. We all line up, for them to see.

"Well, I bet Albert is on perimeter watch. You here to rob us?" A man asks, walking closer to us.

"No." Rick says. "We wanted to see you before you saw us."

"Can't take any chances." I say, as Rick and I walk up closer to the man.

"Makes sense. Usually we do this where the tracks meet. Ahem... Welcome to Terminus. I'm Gareth. Looks like you've been on the road for a good bit." he says.

"We have." Rick says. "Rick. That's Luna, Carl, Sage, Daryl, Riley, Michonne."

Gareth waves like a dumbass. "You're nervous. I get it. We were all the same way. We came here for sanctuary. That what you hear for?" he asks.

"Yes." Rick says.

"Good. You found it. Hey, Alex. This isn't as pretty as the front. We got nothing to hide, but the welcome wagon is a whole lot nicer. Alex will take you, as a few questions. Uh, but first, we need to see everyone's weapons. If you could just lay them down in front of you." Gareth says.

Rick looks at all of us. I wasn't sure about this, but he nods and starts to do it. So, we all do. "All right." Rick says.

"I'm sure you understand." Gareth says.

Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now