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Note from Author:
Flashback Chapter for Luna and Riley
I wanted to write this chapter, so you could get to understand their background better. We've got a look into their past, but I wanted to give you a deeper look to connect with them more, since they are the characters I created. I felt like this would be a good time to do this. Hope you enjoy! -Amanda :)
After what had just happened at the prison, I started to think back on my life. I couldn't think about Judith. I had to distract myself.


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"No no no. This can't be happening. Not now." I say, talking to my best friend Katherine in our high school women's bathroom.

"Did you use a condom?" Katherine asks.

"No. I don't know. We were playing beer pong, then we started dancing. He took me upstairs and you know what happens next. It was a one time thing, a mistake. I can't have a baby, not now." I say, knowing if these two little blue lines showed up, my life as we know it would change forever.

"Well, there's a few options you could...." Katherine says, as the timer on her cell phone goes off. "It's time." she says.

We flip the pregnancy test over. There were two lines. "It's positive. I'm pregnant." I say, sliding down to the floor and Katherine sitting beside me. She holds me tightly while I sob.

"You're not alone. You'll always have me." she says.

"I love you, Kath." I tell her.

"I love you too, L." she says.

I knew my next challenge would be telling Jared. I always thought he was the hottest guy, and I felt lucky that I hooked up with him, but I wasn't feeling that way now. I felt nauseous all the time and I had weird cravings now. It definitely wasn't worth all of this. I still had a lot of life left to live. I couldn't have a kid, not now. I really didn't know if I ever wanted to have kids. I never ever saw myself becoming a mother.

I see Jared at his locker. I walk down the hall and say, "Hey."

"Luna, what's up? Party this weekend after the game. You coming? I had a lot of fun with you a few weeks ago. You sure know how to party." he says, smiling at me.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk with you about." I say, shaking nervously and fighting with my shirt.

He grabs my shoulders. "What is it? Everything okay?"

"Wanna skip?" I ask.

I get in his truck and we drive to sonic. I order fried pickles, mozzarella sticks, and a chocolate shake. I dip the pickles in my shake. "Mmm. This is so good."

Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now