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DAY 1 WITHOUT RICK | Welcome to Misery

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DAY 1 WITHOUT RICK | Welcome to Misery

Negan led me to his home base. He called it his sanctuary. He has a yard full of walkers, who were once his men that betrayed him. There were so many Saviors here. It made me realize how stupid we were... to think that we got them all. We should have known, and none of this would have happened.

"This is your room." Dwight says, leading me to a room with a bed, night stand, chair, desk, and mirror. "There's a bathroom down the hall. Shower with hot water... all that good stuff."

"Thanks." I say.

He walks closer to me. He pushes my hair to the side and whispers in my ear, "If you need anything, my room is next to yours."

I pull away from him, sickened by his words. He leans into me, his lips close to mine. I can feel his breath. I shove him onto the bed.

"I like a girl who gets right down to it." he says, smiling.

I get on the bed and straddle him. I pull out a knife I had hidden in my boot. I hold it up to his throat. "If you ever fucking touch me or even look at me again, I'll kill you. Do you understand?" I whisper.

Negan walks in. "Oh, shit! Am I interrupting something?" he says, smiling.

"I was just showing Dwight here what happens when he talks shit to a married hormonal pregnant lady." I say, still holding the knife to his throat.

"Why don't you put the knife away, huh? We have a lot to discuss." Negan says.

I put the knife back in my boot. Dwight gets up and leaves.

"What?" I ask.

"Tell me everything." he says, sitting down in the chair.

So I do. I tell him about where I was when the world fell, how I met Rick, and how Jared died. I told him about the prison, Judith, and Terminus. I told him about the people who became my family, and the people we lost. I told him how we found Alexandria and how I lost my baby. How the Wolves attacked and how Carl lost his eye. I told him about Rick and how much I cared for him.

"Sounds like a damn fairytale... but I want you to know, I am sorry about your friends. But the truth of it all... you killed mine first. I couldn't look weak in front of my men if I just let you go." he says.

"Those men you killed... they were my family. Glenn and Abraham saved my life on many occasions. If it weren't for Glenn, Sage and I would have been dead. Glenn... his wife, Maggie, they saved me that day they brought me to the farm. She was pregnant... with their first child together. Not only did you take her husband away, you took that baby's father away." I say.

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