After a hard year of being kidnapped by a serial killer during an investigation as an undercover agent, Luna returned back to Atlanta FBI.
When she returns to investigate a mystery drug that has been killing kids, she discovers that the dead kids w...
We had been walking for a while now. We finally take a break and rest. I hold Judith and give her a bottle. Carl and Sage sit next to me, arguing about which book they were gonna read next.
I watch Rick talk to Tara, the girl who was with the Governor when they attacked the prison. "You didn't wanna be there. That's why I tried to talk to you. Glenn told me you saved his life." Rick tells her.
"He saved mine." she says, giving a little chuckle.
Rick smiles. "That's how it works with us, right?"
"Right." she responds. "Hey." as she holds out her hand to fist bump Rick.
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He looked at her hand, hesitating, before fist bumping her back. It was good to see him laugh and smile again.
"Get something to eat. We'll start back at sunup." he tells her.
"Carl, Sage. Why don't you give Tara some of our rations?" I tell them.
"Tara, come sit over here. We can share." I say giving her a warm smile, as she sits and joins us.
"Thank you." she says. I could tell she felt out of place. I felt sorry for her. She had lost her family, too. I could tell she was a good person, anyone could see that. She was our family now, too.
"Do you mind holding her?" I ask her, referring to Judith.
"Sure." she says, taking Judith. "She looks like you."
I laugh. "I think she looks more like Rick, but thank you. I'll take it."
I walk over to Rick. "How much longer of rest do I get?" I ask him.
"Just a little bit. Why? Everything okay?" he asks me.
"Yeah, I'm just feeling queasy. I can't tell between hunger and sickness these days." I respond to him.
He feels my forehead for a fever. "You're not overly hot. Here." he says, tearing off a piece of his t-shirt, then wetting it with water. He lifts up my long blonde hair, and places the cloth on the back of my neck. I smile at him. "Better?" he asks.
"Much better." I say, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"It's getting warmer out now. That should keep you cool for a little bit." he says, giving me his water bottle. "You need to drink and eat something, too. You have been taking care of everyone else but yourself."
"I'm fine, baby." I say, taking a drink of water and bite of whatever he was eating. It tasted like bark but I was hungry so I didn't care.
He pulls me into face him. He pulls a piece of my hair behind my ear. My eyes meet his. He pulls me in for a few, long and passionate kisses. I push him against the tree and he grunts. "Sorry." I say, as we both laugh. We continue kissing when a branch snaps. A walker was coming up to us. I reach for my knife but Rick uses his hand to stop me. "I got this one. Damn cock blocker." Rick mumbles before taking out the walker.