After a hard year of being kidnapped by a serial killer during an investigation as an undercover agent, Luna returned back to Atlanta FBI.
When she returns to investigate a mystery drug that has been killing kids, she discovers that the dead kids w...
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"You didn't have to come." Morgan says to me, while driving down the road to look for Carol.
"We have to try, even if it's a long shot, even if it's dangerous." I say to him, even if I wasn't in the right state of mind. I couldn't help but think about Luna. Her words repeated over and over in my mind. I know she didn't want me to leave. I know I should have stayed, but Luna has proved to me more than enough times that she's more than capable of taking care of herself and even everyone else. I trusted her, but I knew leaving hurt her. It worried her. I should have stayed. She didn't need any extra worry or stress right now. I felt like I had failed her, yet again.
"She's going to be fine, you know?" Morgan says, as if he read my mind.
"You don't even know Luna." I say back to him.
"Oh, I got to. A little. She's brave, strong, kind, and most of all, she's a leader. She's a good person, anyone can see that.... But I also know what she's done. I might not agree with it, but she protects the people that she cares about, at any cost. It might make her dangerous, but it also is what makes her... her." Morgan says to me. I don't know he got all that from a few conversations with her.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask, as I look out the window and see walkers as we pass by.
"What I believe... I'm not right. There is no right. There's just the wrong that doesn't pull you down." he says to me.
I sighed. "It hasn't pulled me down. Or Luna." I reply.
"I think it will. It's already pulling her down, you know that. You've seen it, same as me. I know you, Rick." Morgan says.
"You knew who I once was. You don't know me and you don't know Luna. Why do you even care?" I ask him, genuinely curious to hear what he has to say.
"I care because I knew you once were. You're still that person. I see that person when you're with her. She makes you better. She makes you believe and see the good. She gives you hope and something to fight for. She gave you a family, and now an even bigger one. I know you'd do anything to protect her, but was it worth all this?" Morgan asks me.
"It's worth it if my wife and my family have a safe future behind those walls. We've been out on the road... we nearly lost ourselves." I say, rubbing my face.
"You've been behind those walls for a while now. It hasn't changed you. You're still lost... but I believe you can be found again." Morgan says. I shake my head. He was so far up on his high horse, about being right all the time. It pissed me off. He didn't know me. He didn't know us.
"Morgan...." I start, but we approach a crash scene, something that hasn't been here before. I knew it must have something to do with Carol.