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Everyone was sobbing, and shaking. Rick had blood on splattered across his face.

 Rick had blood on splattered across his face

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I was still being held at gun point. I wanted to get up and kill every single of them... for killing two of our own, good men. I was in shock. I couldn't move. All I could do was cry.

"What? Was the joke that bad?" Negan asks.

"I'm gonna kill you." Rick says.

"What?" Negan asks, holding up the baseball bat he used to beat Abraham's skull in. The damn bat he named after my dead aunt Lucy. "I didn't quite catch that. You're gonna have to speak up."

"Not today

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"Not today... not tomorrow... but I'm gonna kill you." Rick says.

Negan just stares at him. Dammit, Rick, just shut the hell up. "Jesus. Simon, what did he have, a knife?" Negan asks.

Simon says, "Uh, he had a hatchet."

"A hatchet?" Negan asks, with a smile on his face.

"He had an axe." Simon says. Negan laughs.

"Simon's one of my right-hand men. Having a few of those are important. I mean, what do you have left without them? A whole lot of work. Do you have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathing? Oh. Or did I..." he clicks his tongs and holds up his bat. "Sure. Yeah. Give me his axe." as he puts his axe in his belt.

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Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now