After a hard year of being kidnapped by a serial killer during an investigation as an undercover agent, Luna returned back to Atlanta FBI.
When she returns to investigate a mystery drug that has been killing kids, she discovers that the dead kids w...
"Dad, I don't see the point in going to career day. My life is over." I groan, pulling the covers back over my head.
"Luna, you're pregnant. You can still have a future. You need to get up and get to school. Get on up and eat some breakfast." he says.
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"No. I can't. I can't do this... I don't want to do this." I say, bursting into tears.
He takes off his sheriff hat and sits down on the edge of my bed. He places his hand on my shoulder.
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"You are my daughter... there's nothing you can't do. You're life is only just beginning... and when this baby comes, it'll all make sense. I promise." he says.
"How do you know that?" I ask, wiping my tears.
"Because... I knew it from the moment I held you in my arms for the very first time. Now come on, and get ready. I'll make your breakfast to go. I have to go to the station today, so I can drive you." he says.
I give in and get up. I throw on a baggy t-shirt and leggings, with some sneakers. I pull my hair into a pony tail, and applying some deodorant, perfume, and chapstick. I grab my backpack and head out the door.
"Glad you made it." he says, handing me a to-go container with eggs, bacon, and fruit.
"Thank you." I say, scarfing the food down. On our way to school, my dad gets a call.
"Dammit. Looks like you don't have to go to career day after all. Hold on tight." he says, turning his lights on and flying down the Georgia backroads. I grabbed the "oh-shit" handle and it took everything in me not to throw up the breakfast I just ate. We come across a car with two other sheriffs cars swerving behind it. It was a high speed chase.
"What's going on?" I ask, loving the action.
"A man shot a pregnant lady at a gas station. He fled the scene." he says.
"Well go on! Get the son of a bitch!" I yell, as my dad floors the car, sending me back in my seat.
"I need your help. Get the gun out of the glove box. Shoot at the tires. We don't have time to set up a trap." he says. I hurriedly grab the gun and aim it out the window.