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A few days have passed, and we still had no signal from Glenn.

I stand with Maggie by the gate keep watch for a signal from him, trying to comfort her. We don't know if he's dead or alive... we can only hope he is still out there.

"Do you think he's alive?" she asks me.

"I do. Maybe... maybe he just hasn't been able to send a signal yet. He has to be...." I say.

"Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. I can't change it. I just have to live with it. Aaron and I tried to leave to go after him, but after almost getting eaten by a walker... I decided I had other priorities now. It's not about me anymore." she says.

"Maggie... what do you mean?" I ask her, even though I'm sure what comes next.

"I'm pregnant." she says, but no smile on her face.

"Oh, Maggie! I'm sure...Glenn will be back. He's a fighter, and I just know he will make his way back to the both of you." I say.

"Thanks, Luna... I just miss him. I wanna see him. I just can't... do this alone." she says.

I grab her hand. "You aren't alone. I will always be here."

"Yeah, I know. But you are minus one leg now." she says, laughing.

"Hey, I'm doing much better now. I'm almost healed! Thank you very much!" I say, laughing.

"You always know how to make people laugh." she says to me.

"Laughing makes you live longer." I say.

"Says the girl who has almost died three times now." she says.

"Yeah, but I'm still here." I say.

"Yes... yes you are." she says, as we hug each other tightly. I was happy for Maggie and Glenn. I had only hoped he would be back. Not just for Maggie, but for their child.

"Our kids will be best friends. Just like us." I say to her.

"Definitely... but I think you need to have one more." she says, smiling at me.

"Very funny." I say to her.

I see Rick walking along the walls, making sure they were still holding up. I can see him looking up at us. He makes his way up the ladder.

"You don't have to be up here so much." Rick says to her.

"I won't be. This is the direction he'd come in. If he sends up a signal, it'll be from out there." Maggie says.

Rick wraps his hand behind my lower back, and kisses my temple. "Yeah." Rick says.

"Or it... it won't be." she says.

"It will be." I say. "I'm going to check on Judith." I kiss his cheek before slowly making my way down the ladder.

"When we go out there, it's never easy, it's never simple. It's always a fight. But we've come back from harder things. From further away. Glenn, Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha, they will, too. Maybe we don't wait for them to be back. We should start figuring out how to draw the walkers away. We have some food and water to last us a while, and the walls are holding. We can take our time. Really think this through. Do it right. Clear it so they can... they can walk right in." Rick says.

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Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now