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****Warning: This chapter contains a little smut at the end!****

****Warning: This chapter contains a little smut at the end!****

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"I don't see it, but it's close. There's just one of 'em." Daryl says.

"We don't be here long." Rick says. "So what do you think?"

"We can go in when it's empty." Carol states.

"How is that? It's locked up at night." I say.

"The window. There's just a latch. I can leave it open." Carol says, nonchalant.

"A latch?" Rick asks, raising his brows.

"Yeah." she says back to him.

"What if one of those pricks shuts it?" Daryl asks.

"Wait a couple of days, leave it open again." Carol suggests.

A walker's snarl starts to get louder. "It's getting closer." Daryl says.

"We need to do it sooner than later. Right now, they're not watching us. Not worrying about meetings like this. We may need the guns, we may not." Rick says.

"We will whatever way it goes." Carol says.

"I'd feel better knowing we had them anyways." I say.

"They're the luckiest damn people I ever met. And they just keep getting luckier." Rick says.

"How's that?" Daryl asks. Rick looks at me and smiles.

"We're here now." I say.

"They've got a couple of footlockers just full of 9 millimeter autos, Rugers, Kel-Tecs. Just tossed in there. They don't use them. They're never gonna know they're gone." Carol says.

"Someone's got one now, right?" Daryl says, referring to the gun Rick left in the blender.

"Mmhm. Listen, the others, we want them to try." Rick says.

"You too." Carol says to Daryl.

"So we keep it quiet. Just us. Here it comes." Rick says.

"I got him." Daryl says.

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Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now