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I gasp.

Rick kneels to his knee

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Rick kneels to his knee. He has a set of rings in his hand. "So what do ya say? Hershel gave me these....."

"Yes. Yes. Yes!" I say, bending down to meet Rick's lips.

"I know we don't have a preacher to make it official but..... you're mine. And I love you, so hell, that's official to me." Rick says.

"Me too." I say, kissing him before toppling over on top of him.

We both laugh. He takes my left hand and places the gold band on my ring finger. I place the gold band on his.

"Well, Mrs. Grimes, should we make it official? Seal the deal?" Rick says, smirking.

"I thought you'd never ask." I say, pulling off his shirt and kissing him.


Time had went by fast. It had been about eight months. We moved place to place, never able to stay in one place for too long. Gas was almost nonexistent, food was getting that way now, too. The group took turns sharing their portions with me, because of the baby. I felt guilty, but everyone was happy to do it. We come across another house. Rick, Daryl, T-Dog, Carl, and Sage go inside to clear it out. Sage had be some good with a gun and taking down walkers. I was proud of her. Carol and I had gotten close, despite her challenging Rick's leadership eight months ago. Come to think about it, I really had gotten close to everyone, even Daryl.

Rick was able to talk to Sage. He told her that Jared loved her no matter what. He also told her that he would be there for her, always. He told her he knew he wasn't her father, but that he loved her and would take care of her. She loved him, too. Their bond had grown closer. I was happy to see them get along. Rick spent a lot of time with her, teaching her things and telling her stories.

I had finally popped. The baby was growing and was healthy. I was doing good, other than having a huge belly in the way. I was still able to take care of myself and the occasional walker, although, Rick was never too far away to make sure I didn't strain myself anymore than I needed to.

Rick and I were doing well. We were happy. I could tell he was worried about me and the baby, though.

Once the house was cleared, Rick whistles and the rest of us go inside. Rick gives a small smile and kisses my cheek as I walk through the door. We were all tired and hungry. We needed sleep and food. Carl and Sage search the house for food. The only thing they found were two cans of dog food. Daryl had killed and owl. Riley gave me a can of food that he had. I offered him some, but he let me have it. I was starving. It didn't help that I had unrealistic cravings, too. Oh, what I would do for a fast food cheeseburger and milkshake right now.

Carl and Sage start to open the cans of dog food. We all notice. I hated this. I hated that we had to live like this. Rick turned around and saw what they were doing. He walks over to inspect the can of dog food, before throwing it against the wall. We all jump. We all knew Rick was stressed. He had a lot on his back. All of us, plus the baby. He was struggling. Hell, we all were. Everyone grows quiet. It was always quiet now.

Beautiful Mistakes~ A Rick Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now