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Two weeks went by and I was slowly getting ready to leave. Before I left I had to have a quick lunch date with my long time friend

"I think that it's just stupid that, hear me out, that I have to keep everything a secret" I smirked as I took a bite of my pasta.

"Yeah y/n let's just expose all the work people have been creating for years" Timothee laughed as he drank his water "I can't believe you're leaving me! Never ending with you. How are you not famous yet?" He joked

"All I'm known as is Timothee Chalamet mystery girl" I said in a dramatic tone making us laugh "seriously do you get bitches or what, I'm sick of being your mystery girl, let's get some different headlines cmon" I raising my drink to him and snapping with my other hand with a laugh

"So, are you gonna tell me about your character or no? Because it would be SUPER unfair if you didn't even though I told you about Dune and my Willy wonka roll" he said placing his hands behind his head

"Fine fine you got me there" I laughed "her name is Mars and she's this badass super agent" I smirked. His face was unamused and cocked an eyebrow

"What the fuck, is she from space too? Give me the real girl" he said smacking his hand on the table making us laugh

"Fine fine, her name is J, that's all she goes by because she's like a secret. Just like how eleven was trained and experimented on she was trained. Like some black widow shit" I shrugged taking a bite of my food

"Another action role? Does that bother you?" He asked with a mouth full of food. "Because I know in school you were really big on doing more serious roles"

"Don't remind me" I mumbled "I mean it's cool and all! Filming Kenobi, Mando, no way home and Moon-knight was amazing but like, let me cry and sob and yell and act dramatically" I said making us both laugh

"I would just be careful on what to book and what not. I'm sure stranger things will give you a chance to show that side of you" he smiled

We finished our lunch while making jokes and reminisce about school.

"Fuck, it's the paparazzi" he said, we looked over and sighed. "Let's head out mi lady" he said. We got up at the same time and went inside to pay our check.

He put his sunglasses on and I followed with him, waiting for our car they started taking pics and I smiled with a peace sign, "y/n please" he laughed and grabbed my hand and we headed to the car

We got in and sat back. I got on my phone and smiled at all the mentions "ugh, when will I ever be known for more then Timmy's gorl" I laughed making him chuckle. "I can't believe I have a flight so early in the morning" I mumbled crossing my arms.

"You're gonna have fun, still bamboozled that you took a job on so quickly" he said closing his eyes then turned to face him "always on that grind?"

"Yes always" I said as the car stopped "I'll text you and what not, give me updates on when you're free so we can meet up again" I said giving him a hug and getting off the car. I walked to my condo and sighed as I entered my place.

From jarrod
Get your ass to bed, I don't wanna deal with your grouchy ass tomorrow

Im going to bed rn 🥲

I laughed softly and changed into pajamas and went straight to bed.

I felt like I just closed my eyes and suddenly I was being shaken by someone. I rolled over and saw Jarrod and groaned as I hid my face in my pillow.

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