twenty two

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AN- thank you all for the birthday wishes, you're all so cute! Virtual kisses for you all! Okay on to the story!

After the big argument Joseph left and it wasn't till a week later that he came back to talk to me again.

"No! Cmon this isn't fair! After everything we've been through" he cried holding my face.

"Joseph. I don't trust you and right now I don't even want to see your face" I said and pushed his hands away. "after everything that's happened? I seriously need a break like I just have to focus on more important things"

"You're breaking up with me" his voice broke and I turned away from him

"If that's what you wanna call it" I mumbled "I don't want to be with anyone else but you but right now I can't even see you as someone I want to love and be with" I frowned "but it hurts because at the same time you are someone I want and love to be with"

"Then let's focus on that then! And let's heal from that and be together" he pressed his forehead against mine and tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. "What the fuck y/n. I swear at this point. Do you not want to be with me" he mumbled

"Joseph! Did you not listen to me! I swear you just listen to respond not to understand" I frowned and leaned against the wall. "I think it's good for the best of us" he didn't say a word and left the restroom. I wanted to cry but I couldn't.

I walked out and saw Joe and Jarrod talking. They looked over at me before Joe left. I crossed my arms and looked at jarrod.


"What do you mean what? You just punched him last week and now you're talking to him on the side. What the fuck is going on? Am I going crazy?! Do you not like telling me things?" I said and pushed past him as I went to the kitchen.

"I ordered us food" Timothee said and slid me my bag of food. "Your boyfriend has a hard face" he mumbled and looked down at his hand.  "My hand still hurts"

"Yeah I guess" I mumbled and picked at my fries. "He's not my boyfriend"

"Well he wants you back" Jarrod said taking some of my fries "that's what he's been asking about"

"Surprised you didn't punch him" Timothee said making me laugh

"Nah, I told Joe I would work with him, have him get rid of the agent and help him fix the shit that happened" he shrugged. My eyes widened and I pushed his shoulder  " what the fuck y/n why are we so aggressive today"

"We're working with exes now? What the fuck is this?" I scoffed "this is all so confusing, like seriously none of this is making sense"

"Yeah it really isn't" Timothee said before he started eating his food

"I'm not representing him or anything like that! Y/n you are my only one that I will take care of" he said rubbing my back "I heard him out, we talked. He asked for advice to get with you but I told he can go fuck himself. But everything else I can work with" he shrugged and ate his own.

"So you're helping him with his fame and how people see him but you're not gonna talk to me about the statement his agent made and what people are sayin" I grew upset and shoved him

"Hey! Hey relax" he said grabbing my hands "you don't think I fixed that already! While you and Joe were off doing who knows what in the room, this whole week I was making calls and getting shit done" he argued "y/n you are my world. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, I fixed shit and honestly you don't need to worry about it"

"But I have to! For fuck sake it's me everyone's gonna go and talk about! I have a bbc interview tomorrow . What if they ask!" He sighed and grabbed my shoulders

"You haven't been on the internet for the past year, your management team has been running your social media. You and Joseph going out? Ignore the questions and just laugh and focus more on you and Chris new movie"

"That's not gonna work" I shook my head and sat on the kitchen counter.

"Y/n I'll talk to them, we have 6 months till we can clear this situation up. It's been a week and that's already passed. you should be good. No more y/n and this person y/n and that. Just y/n and her amazing skills on acting. Stars is dropping this weekend. We are flying back to LA after your interview and you are going to have an amazing premier and I'd be dammed if you don't get nominated for an Oscar next year" I smiled softly and hugged him tightly

"I hate you"

"I know"

Next day

"I am so excited to say that we have the wonderful y/n with us!" Greg smiled I took a seat and slid on my headphones and tapped the mic "welcome y/n how are you!"

"I'm doing so good! I am so excited, I was looking forward to this during my whole stay here" I grin

"That's right! You were here because you were filming a film with Chris Evans! Now can I just ask, there was no promotion for this move till literally today, which I'm glad because we got an interview with you but just, how did this happen all so quickly!"

"I honestly am still trying to figure that out" I laughed "I'm really use to long term filming and what not because I've done so many action movies but with this one, since it's more of a serious film, psychological in a sense it was very and I mean very easy to film. We had a few  scenes in California on the beautiful beaches then we came to London for the rest. It was honestly so quick, filming took a total off four to five months! Like I was learning my lines the day of filming" I laughed "and as we got scenes done the editing team was editing so usually I'm use to filming first then editing so yeah it was crazy" I laughed

"We watched the trailer and man you guys looked amazing and it all looks so crazy" he said and pulled out some papers that's made me nervous "we just wanna know why didn't Adrian drop this stuff months in advance"

"Well I talked to him about it and basically everyone sees a trailer and think 'Oo I'm gonna see it' then it doesn't come out for a month or two later and people forget" I explained as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "His theory is people see it, it comes out the next day and they'll actually get to it" I smiled.

We continued talking and I had a good time. He asked me about all my roles and who I've worked with and who I loved working with.

"Now I got to say y/n you have seriously landed like every dream role, is there a certain director you want to work with?"

"Yes! Wes Anderson! I was so jealous when Timothee landed a role" I laughed "I love the way his films work and everything it's really interesting and unique and I would love to work on one with him" I nodded.

After playing a few radio games and finished talking we concluded the show. After we wrapped things up I thanked everyone that worked on todays show and made my way out the building.

On the way out I stopped seeing Joseph in front of the car that was going to take me to the airport. I raised an eyebrow and went over to him

"What are you doing here" I mumbled looking down at my feet

"Well, I had already extended my stay here in London, you know since I was suppose to leave last week" he sighed "but Jarrod told me he was able to get me a ticket with your guys flight so I decided to meet up with and we can get there together" he smiles softly. He reached his hand out for me to grab but I dismissed it.

"That's weird" I said as I got in the car

"You can be so mean" he whined getting in after me.

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