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"I mean, I think you have a good sense of style" I was playing with Joe hair as we just laid there. We were kinda of stuck on what to do today, a part of us just wanted to stay home in bed naked, the other half wanted to go out and be out and do a bunch of stuff.

"Ya know I'm really excited for the stranger things premier, I love getting dressed up and all fancy" I said with a grin "Will you be my date to it?"

"Nah" he said getting up while yawning. My jaw dropped and I laughed as I pushed him playfully. He laughed and laid between my legs and kissed my chest "of course I'd be your date, me dating the famous y/n? Ugh how did this happened" he smiled and sat up and kissed me.

After making out and some how pinching each other we got dressed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. While Joe was feeding blue i was in the kitchen looking around for something.

"I'm coming in" I heard a familiar voice yell. I walked out the kitchen and smiled seeing Jarrod come in through the door.

"Woah, what if we were naked" Joe said as he stood up from playing with blue

"Wouldn't be first for this one" he motioned to me, I rolled my eyes and went over and gave him a hug. "So, that's a thing now huh" he whispered looking back at Joe who was already looking at us

"I mean, cmon we both know it was bound to happen" I said with a small smile

"Yeah and I didn't want it to happen, cmon let's go to the dining room. We got business" he said. His comment threw me off and I followed him

"What do you mean?" I asked sitting next to him.

"That my love, is for another day to talk about, when it's just us two" he said with nod. I slowly nodded and looked down at the papers

"We have multiple brands wanting to do some photo shoot and Matt Reeves wants to know when's the best time to sit down and talk, sounds like he's working on another project and wants to work with you. Wouldn't be surprised if it's for the second Batman movie" he explained "on top of that, Disney is having a Star Wars celebration at the end of next year, so y/n I really recommend we don't do any projects. We have Multiverse of madness, Kenobi, Moonknight, stranger things, and now stars but luckily they plan on releasing within the next few months. Adrian is trying go for this year to be nominated for 2022" he explained "you know him, he's very impatient, I listed every every date so nothing can interfere. That being said 2022 is going to be busy for you but it's all capable, you can do this. We literally have a month dedicated to stranger things" he said with a small smile

"Well that's one guaranteed month that i will be with you" I heard Joe say, he came over and kissed my head and sat beside me

"This is a lot" I chuckled

"Yeah, when I was having the meetings I was like fuck y/n why did we have so many projects" Jarrod said making me laugh "but I got with the team already about these dates and we have multiple and I mean multiple designers that want to work with you, we're all set" he assured me. He glanced at Joe and sighed "but ya know, the team is saying that whatever the hell you two are, you should confirm it. Brings you more attention. I was sort of against, strongly against it even" he waved his hand a bit and sat back in his chair.

"And why's that" Joe snapped "why is it so wrong for y/n and i to come out to the public and confirm that we're in a relationship" he added. I raised my eyebrows at the two and noticed the tension.

"I have my reasons, y/n has movies and shows coming out. I want her name in headlines about the amazing work she's done, not constantly being a headline for a relationship" Jarrod snapped back.

"Okay, I don't know what's going on with you two but whatever it is, cut it out" I laughed "plus I just prefer us to like not announce that we're together but if people ask or see us together I'm not going to deny that we aren't" I said mainly towards Joe

"And that's exactly how we should leave it" Jarrod said looking at Joe "we don't wanna bring more attention to ourselves then needed. Right Joe" he smiled at him. He got up and explained the planner to me "I gotta fly back to LA so I won't see you till you're done" he got up and gave me a hug

"Jarrod" I whispered as Joe walked into the living room "what was all that about?" I asked

"We'll talk about it later, enjoy the rest of your stay here I'll see you soon" he said and left. I sighed and looked through the paperwork. I looked up as Joe came over with my food and raised an eyebrow

"Will I ever have time for you my love"

"I will always have time for you" I said with a small smile. He sighed and laid his head on my shoulder. "Joe" I mumbled against his head. He hummed in response and I looked at the wall "what is Jarrod talking about? Is there something you two aren't telling me?" He pulled away and cupped my face, slightly squeezing my cheeks

"No, I just think that he doesn't like me" he kissed my forehead and got up.

"Then why would he say that he would tell me what's going on later?" I stood up and followed him. I noticed him gathering his things and raised an eyebrow "are you leaving?" I frowned

"I genuinely don't know y/n, and yeah I'll be back tonight though I promise! I wanna spend my last night in London with you before I leave" he says kissing me softly. I kissed him back and pulled away with a small smile

"You wouldn't hide anything from me, right?" I asked. He placed a hand on me cheek and pulled me in for a deep kiss.

"I would never my love" he kissed my head and said bye to blue. I crossed my arms and thought for a second. I looked over at blue and he looked up at me.

"Do you think they're hiding something?" I asked, blue stared at me then back at the door then barked. "You read my mind" I said and left it at.

Something was telling me to look into it more but another part of me was afraid of what I was going to find.

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