twenty eight

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I finished applying my lip gloss and turned seeing Joe come into my room. He smiled and walked over and sat on my bed.

"People are staring to show up! I'm so excited" he grinned "you also look absolutely beautiful" I blushed softly and shrugged. He came over and helped me up from the floor and took a look at my outfit. "Ugh I feel like the luckiest guy in the world! After my amazing y/n gets nominated for her Oscar, which I'm strongly manifesting, and then we go to a beautiful museum"

"Yeah, I mean if I don't get it at least I'll be with you"  I shrugged. We walked out and I smiled seeing Sadie, Noah, Oscar with his family, Pedro and Timothee. "Hi guys" I smiled and hugged them one by one. Jarrod had the tv playing and everyone was just talking.

"I really think you'll get it" Oscar said as he was holding Mads. Mads looked at me and smiled holding his arm out, I held him in my arms and smiled as he was giggling. Joe came over and was in awe. The sight of them was perfect and I couldn't help but smile so big.

"He is a doll, I adore him" he said and looked over me. I nearly melted at the sight of them.

"Look it's up!" Noah said as we all turned to watch the screen. Joe handed Mads back to Oscar and we all surrounded the tv. Some of them pulled their phone out but shook my head

"No need to waste storage" I laughed.

"And here are the nominees" I felt a big lump in my throat and my stomach was doing constant flips. I couldn't help but feel so nervous.

"Hey" I turned seeing Joe wrap his arms around me. "You got this, no matter what you're a winner" he smiles and kissed my head. We turned to watch the screen and what felt like years was actually a few minute.

"Y/f/n in Stars" I looked over at Joe who was jumping up and down, I turned my head to see everyone jumping up and cheering for me. It all felt fake, everything felt like it was in slow motion.

"You did it!" I grasped back onto reality and turned seeing Jarrod with tears in his eyes. I gave him the tightest hug and laughed softly "I'm so proud of you I knew you would get this" he smiled into my neck. I pulled away and laughed like I was crazy as I continued hugging everyone else. After I was done I turned seeing Joe who's eyes were watery and smiled so big

"I'm so proud" he whisper and pulled me into his chest. I turned to see everyone recording and continued clapping for me.

"Thank you all for being here with me" I cried "literally so early in the morning and you're all here for me I love you guys so much" I smiled

"Shut up you're making me cry" Noah said making us laugh. After calming down and everything, the catering was there and everybody got to eating. Most people left after that but the only ones that stayed was Sadie and Noah.

"I can't believe I'm friends with and Oscar nominee" said said dramatically making us laugh. "Seriously y/n how do you feel?" She smiled

"I feel amazing, but also sick because it's more then a month away and I don't know what I'll do, my mind will constantly think about it" I said making em laugh

"Yeah these next few months are gonna be crazy" Sadie said sitting back on the couch as blue was laying by her.

"I'm already getting interviews and I'm dreading it but! I'm excited" Noah said making us nod. After talking for a while they both eventually left and it was just Joe and I.

"Are you still down for the museum" he asked as we laid on the couch together.

"Of course but my energy for it is so dead" I said making him laugh. After talking and debating we ended up getting up and going to the museum.

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