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We were a giggling mess coming into the house. I set my award down and looked at Joe who was already looking at me.

"I can't believe that happened, and it was so close to us" he said making me laugh even harder. "Like bam! Just like that!" He said laughing even harder.

"My love you're a bit buzzed aren't you?" I smiled cupping his cheeks and kissed his nose he shrugged and leaned in to kiss me softly. I moved my hands from his face his chest and I deepened the kiss. He gladly took that and wrapped his arms around my waist then squeezed my ass. I pulled away with a smile and kissed his lips "Cmon, let's get you to bed" I smiled

"We can do alot more in that bed then sleep" he whispered and kept his arms around my waist

"As much as I would love that" I stopped for a moment and looked at him "yeah, I love the idea of that" I smiled and pulled him into the room.

smut begins now🫶🏼

He immediately took his suit off and sort of tripped as he was taking his pants off. I took off my cocktail dress that I was wearing for the after party. We both were just in our undergarments and laid on the bed. His hands were roaming my body as he kissed me deeply. Pulling away he started kissing down my chest and reached and unclipped my bra

"You've definitely gotten better at that" I smiled sitting up

"Well I mean we did do that one thing last weekend-"

"Shut up" I laughed and kissed him as I got on his lap. He rubbed my waist then went up to my breast and massaged them and kissed me, he moved down and started sucking on them while he slid his finger into me I gasped, the amount of pleasure he was giving me was driving me insane,

"Doesn't that feel nice, doesn't it princess" I moaned softly and before I could say anything else he moved his lips to mine and smiled while he was still kissing me. Pulling his finger out and with a smile he licked them, "you taste wondering my love" we flipped over and I was on top now, I slowly moved my hips against him, slipping his fingers underneath my underwear to take them off he stopped for a moment.

"Is something wrong" I asked placing my hand on his chest and rubbing it softly.

"Nothing at all, I just. I admire you so much, you're so beautiful and just so special to me" he whispered with a smile "I really can't see myself with anyone else. You're my person"

"And you're mine" I smiled and leaned down and kissed him, we slide our underwear off and I placed myself on top of him. Adjusting a bit I felt bliss in my body as I felt him inside me. Slowly rocking my hips and bouncing every often, his moans felt like music to me ear. With a tight grip on my hips and slapping my ass every so often it was so satisfying.

Suddenly flipping us over so he was on top and a small laugh left my lips. I gripped onto the sheets as he pushed himself into me and right of the bat picked up the pace. I was a moaning mess and I couldn't  keep myself together, I was a mess underneath his touch. And underneath him.

Feeling his hand push on my stomach slightly he smiled at me "feel that baby, that's me inside you"  he said making me smile

"Fuck," I moaned and held onto his arms as he continued thrusting into me.

The sound of our skin slapping against each other filled the room and I was heaven, the way he held and touched my body, how hard he was thrusting into me drove me insane. Feeling my stomach turn I came, wrapping my legs around him tight he thrusted one more time and pulled out and came all over my stomach. I was panting softly and smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss me

"Stay here I'll get a rag" he got up and came back cleaned up. After he laid besides me and smiled kissing me softly. We laid there for a second and looked at each other, just admiring and enjoying the others presence.

(Smut over, not my best sorry babes 🫶🏼)

"I'm so happy" I smiled as I caressed his cheek "I'm so happy i was given the opportunity to work with you, to be able to get to know you and grow with you. To learn about you, to love you and call you mine"

"Stop you're making me blush" he said as we both laughed. I laid on my back and propped himself up on his arm so he was sort of above me, I kissed his arm as he leaned and kissed my shoulder. "What did you see in me" he asked "why out everyone you've worked with. Why Joseph Quinn"

"Exactly that. Because you're Joseph Quinn" he raised his eyebrow and motioned for me to go on. "You're you, you don't change for the media or the people that's around you. You're always you, I don't have to worry or wonder about wow which person am I getting or dealing with tonight because we're going to this even" I explained "when I'm out with you, I'm always with you. You never change for others around you and you're always so true to yourself" i sat up and placed my hand on his cheek "I'm in love with Joseph Quinn who loves acting for fun, who always things of others besides himself, who's always down for anything and everything and so supportive in what I do. I am so in love with you and only you" he cut me off and kissed me deeply as his arms wrapped me around my waist. I smiled against his lips as he pulled away and gave him a small one

"Let's get married" he smiled

"2,000 days" said pushing his hair back. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head "be with me for 2,000 days and I will marry you"

"2,000 days? Pfff easy" he smirked kissing my lips "all this sweet talk is kinda making me wanna go for a round two"

"Joseph Quinn!"

The end

AHHH IM SO SAD ITS OVER BUT BUT ITS NOT IN A WAY A ENDING. The plot line is over but I will continue to do sort of add on chapters like y/n and Joe on ST press tour, y/n and Joe on dates and maybe a little proposal/ wedding chapter 🤭🤭 but when it comes to the story line, our y/n and Joe are finally happy and they are perfect for each other. Thank you to everyone who has been with this story since the beginning I really appreciate it. I love each and every one of you so much and I'm so lucky to have constant supporters rooting me on for this story. My other two stories are not complete yet but I plan on working on them and I even have another Joseph Quinn x reader book planned so keep an eye out for that <3

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