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"We are near the end guys, but today sadly will be y/n last filming day" Shawn said making me frown. I felt arms wrapped around me and immediately melted into them. "We got all her action scenes and this will be the part where she separates from the group"

"Will she come back?" Millie asked

"Don't worry shhh!" He said making us laugh. "Just remember you're all in a panic, y/n I want to see that emotion. Show it in your face that you realize you're all they have. Eleven is weak, they gotta get her out of here so the government doesn't kill her. Make that hero sacrifice and everyone, keep in mind this is y/n last day on set! Show the emotion!" He yelled.

"Can't believe I'm done, then right after I'm on a plane back to la" I mumbled with a frown as Joseph let go of me and held my hand. "I won't even be here for the last of the filming" I whined

"Is there any way you can wait one more day" Noah asked as he came over and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Sadly no" I frowned "but I'll meet up with you guys at Hawaii for our little get away trip. I'm so excited" I smiled. Everyone gave me a hug and it just turned into a group hug.

"Alright let's get on set!" Shawn smiled. Everybody was getting touch ups and extras, they were making sure I had all my holsters and extra stuff I needed.

"Okay, let's get this! Good luck and if we want let's get a little improv going" Shawn yelled. "And action!"

The group turned the corner immediately retreated as shot were being fired.
"Every turn we go there's always something and someone there! How are we gonna get through" Mike said out of breathe. The group started to worry and looked down at the layout of the building. "The stairs" J mumbled and turned the map towards her. "We get through these guys and there! the stairway. Go up and you'll be at the top without out having to go through them" she explained
"But they'll hear us" max said with worry in her voice.
"This is no hope we're gonna die" Steve said and ran his hands through his hair, the shots were getting closer and they all started getting worried.
"I'll distract them" J said. "I'll continue in the halls, you guys go up" she said as tears were in her eyes. "They're gonna focus on the constant shooting and everything. It should buy you enough time to get up there" she explained and handed them a gun from her holster. Their eyes were all wide, some rejected but some knew that this would be the only way.
"No, out with that fucking plan" Eddie said immediately
"He's right, we can't leave J to defend herself with all these people out there, their main object is to kill!" Dustin yelled.
The shooting got close and J ignored them as she got up and started shooting back. She ran towards them and took them out.
"It's clear cmon!" She yelled. The group got up and ran towards her as she opened the door.
"No! You can't please, come with us we'll be quiet!" Max cried as she hugged her. She was taken back and hugged her tightly
"They know we're in the building, if they know we're not coming through the halls they'll find us, I'll see you guys when you come out okay?" She whispered to her. They all were hugging her and thanking her as they went in. El stopped and looked at her.
"Thank you" she tells her
"Go kick ass" she smiled.
"I'm not leaving you, I'm staying with you!" Eddie said "I have horrible aim but J I'll be ruined if something happens to you and you're alone" he cried. She felt tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly. He pulled away from the hug and suddenly pulled her into a deep kiss.

Is he, kissing me?

I was caught off guard but the kiss felt so nice. His lips were so soft and the grasp he had on me was so secure and felt just right. We pulled and I looked in his eyes.

"See you on the other side" he let out a breathe and rested his forehead against mine

"I'll see you on the other side" I smiled, before he left I kissed him one more time with tears coming down my face. He went into the door and I shut it. Turning towards the hall the extras were running up and I took a breath and pulled out the guns from holster.

"And cut!" The sound of those words brought tears to my face because it was my last shot. I smiled softly and shrugged as I stayed crying.

"Can we get a round of applause of y/f/n! We thank you so much for joining us this season and are so excited to see you in your upcoming projects" Sean said as he was clapping. The rest of the cast came back and was cheering for me and came over and gave me hugs. Sadie and Noah were crying and Joe was holding onto me whenever he could.

"We got you something! We loved your dedication to this series and all the hard work" a cast member came up and handed me a small box, inside was a necklace with a small charm. I couldn't help but cry again and hugged the crew. After wrapping up I was still emotional and had my arms around Joe as he hugged me. My head was on his chest and we were there just watching everyone wrap up for the day.

"Y/n! How do you feel?" I looked up seeing the person recording the behind the scene shots

"My heart hurts" I said making Joe and I laugh. He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head.

"Joe How do you feel that y/n is leaving" they said making Joe sigh and hugging me tighter

"I'm sad! She's my y/n how can I not be sad" he said "but I'll see her in a weeks for our trip so yeah but I am bummed out that she'll miss the last filming day but she did an absolute beautiful job and absolutely killed it" he smiled. We pulled away and walked towards the trailers.

"You kissed me" I said looking at him

"I did" he nodded "am I a bad kisser? Did my breath smell. Is that why you're bringing it up?" He said making me laugh. I shake my head and looked at him

"No, just caught me off guard" I said "you're a good kisser by the way, glad to know that if we did still have all those make out scenes I wouldn't be kissing someone that doesn't know how to" I laughed. He grabbed my hand and smiled looking at me

"I really had the best time working with you y/n"

"So did I" I smiled "for a moment there, I actually thought you liked me" I smirked making us laugh. "At the end of the day, we're just acting" I smiled looking at the rings on my fingers

"Are we really just acting?" he asked grabbing my chin

I was caught off guard and looked into his eyes. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to feel his lips against mine, I wanted to feel the grip he had on me earlier again and just be in his arms.

But I couldn't. I couldn't put myself through that type of pain again.

"Yeah, we are just acting" I moved his hand from my chin and smiled "I'll see you Joe"

"I'll see you y/n"

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