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I sat at the table and stared at my drink. I was so nervous and I felt like I needed to vomit. I gulped down my mimosa and called a waiter over to refill it. I was gonna need a couple today.

I drank some of my water and scrolled through my phone as I waited for him. He totally stood me up.

"Hey gorgeous" I looked up and butterflies released in my stomach. I smiled softly seeing Chris with my favorite flowers. I stood up and grabbed them from him which followed with a tight hug. "I'm not gonna lie, I was surprised you texted me, but I'm really glad you did"

"What can I say" I said with a small laugh. "I don't know, I guess a lot was on my mind and I just needed some closure on things. I mean I know we don't really need closure because Jesus we had what how many conversations about our relationship" I said making us laugh "I just, I'm always everywhere so I just wanted to catch up before I left"

"Well I'm glad you did" he said giving me a smile. His presence was so comforting to me and I didn't feel nervous anymore. We ordered our food and continued talking.

We caught up and he was telling me about his up coming projects and what he plans to do and everything.

"I can't believe you're done with marvel" I said before I took a bite of my food.

"I know! It feels so bittersweet, I'm bummed but I'm glad I'm still working with Disney, I'm really excited for light year."

"My gosh, I remember as a kid I had a crush on him" I said making us both laugh.

"Well you're dating him now" he laughed. I stopped laughing and so did he "oh shit, I'm sorry, just us being together right now and everything"

"No! No don't be sorry" I smiled and grabbed his hand "it's fine, I almost slipped up too" I said and rubbed it with my thumb. He smiled at me and we continued talking.

After finishing our food we got up and Chris payed for us.

"You didn't have to, I have money too" I smiled at him as we walked out.

"I know but I wanted to treat you" he smiled "let's go mini golfing" he said suddenly. I raise my eyebrows and put my hand on my chin as if I was thinking about it

"Hmmm I don't know, I am a busy girl" I said

"You can't make room for me" he said holding my hands. I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically

"Fine fine, let's go, only because I'm gonna kick your ass!" I smirked and got into the car with him. He drove us to our favorite spot. The drive there was sort of quiet but there wasn't anything really weird about. After we parked we walked up and I was telling him about blue.

"You got a dog! I wanna meet him" he said as we walked to the counter. I showed him pictures and he was in Aw. We got our stuff and walked to a course.

The whole time we were messing with each other and laughing.

"No, this one is rigged, it should of gone in, a perfect hole in one" he said making me laugh harder.

"No my love, you just suck" I said looking up at him as he walked towards him. He smiled down at me and shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe I do" he said making us laugh. He looked down at me and again and suddenly kissed me. I was caught off guard. I kissed him back and smiled softly as we pulled away. "I'm sorry, I just felt like it needed to happen, I think I had to" he said blushing

"Uh yeah I get you" I smiled and looked down at my shoes. "Chris-"

"I really missed you y/n" he said cutting me off "I mean I was fine but catching up with you, seeing that beautiful smile and laugh, it just brought me back all the times we had together, when it was just us and only us" he explained. I listened to every word but everything he said just reminded me of him.

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