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Y/n Pov

"Okay we're gonna have y/n and Joe jump in together, Joe comes up you talk them bam y/n was sucked in then Joe then rest of you jump. Joseph let's make sure we get a big fit from you! You hate this , this only happens in video games and dnd how is this real! I really wanna see you portray that! Be a big baby and throw a fit" Shawn said making everyone laugh.

We only had one time do this shot since we were all jumping in. At the call of action we did our small dialogue and dived into the pool. We stayed underneath for a bit till the called us to come up.

"Okay when I yell action y/n and Joe are gonna come up, you all talk then bam we pull you, it's gonna be unexpected so I need you guys to be prepared" he told us. I bit my lip and nodded.

"You alright y/n?" Joe asked as he swam towards me.

"Just scared" I whispered.

"You've been out of it? What's wrong" he asked laying his head on my shoulder. I looked at him and told everything about how I was feeling and how I'm letting social media get to me. We swam to the side so they can strap our foot. After we were secure we got back into the water and I couldn't help but shiver. "I'll keep you warm" He said as he hugged me. I laughed softly and hugged him back. They were still getting the others prepared so I was just floating there in his arms.

"Look at them all cozy in the water" I heard Maya say. We looked up and saw the three of them staring at us. Natalia and her were laughing while Joe was just staring at us with a frown. I made eye contact with him and he looked away quickly.

"Okay let's back together and get this diving scene" we swam over and I held onto the boat. At the sound of two Keery and I went underwater so when they started recording we were coming up. We started doing our dialogue and what not. Before I could say my line I took a deep breath but was suddenly pulled in.

Instantly I couldn't breathe. I waved my arms around and I couldn't swim up since the strap was on my ankle. It seemed like it was stuck since I couldn't really swim up. I know I shouldn't panic but I couldn't help it.

My lungs we're filling with water and I tried to swim back up. I felt everything sort of go dark and slow. The last I remember is seeing their bodies in the water and I slowly lost my conscious

"Y/n! Jesus fuck you scared me" I woke up gasping and to the sound of yelling and I couldn't help but cough and gag. I looked around and started shivering as someone wrapped a towel around me.

"What happened" I asked looking around

"You passed out in the pool, when we yelled cut you didn't come up" Joe said as he held me close to him.

"Oh well I'm fine" I mumbled

"No you almost passed out!" He argued

"Y/n we'll use a double to get the scene of where J and Steve discover the portal" Sean told me with a small smile. "You're health is more important, let's get her check out and call it a day!" He yelled "good day everyone! Amazing day. Tomorrow we'll get them in the upside down, good day!"

The medics came over to me and checked me out. The whole time the three of them were right there with me.

"You're good to go! Just watch your breathing" the medic told me making me nod. I looked over at Joe who was holding my hand the entire time. Keery Maya and Natalie standing behind me. We got up and started walking to our trailers. I said bye to them and walked to my trailer.

"Y/n! Just wait for me" I turn seeing Joe as he ran to his trailer and grabbed his bag. "What happened earlier, it really scared me. So I just wanna be with you"

"Be with me?" I mumble and raise and eyebrow

"Like watch you! Like just make sure you're okay" he said. "Shut up let's go change" he said making me laugh. We went into the trailer and they took his extensions and I was wiping my make up off. After they finished it was just Joe and I. I glanced at him and noticed him on his phone

"I'm gonna change" I told him. "I won't look go ahead" he said staring at his phone. I started taking my clothes off and sighed as my undergarments were all soaked. "Joe I'm going full naked so don't you fucking look" I said making him laugh. I quickly changed my undergarments and put on my sweats and stayed in my sports bra since I couldn't find my sweater.

"Your turn" I mumbled and sat on the couch. I went through my phone and noticed him shirtless. I didn't want to look but I really wanted to.

"Okay all done" I looked just as he was putting his shirt on and fuck.

He's hot.

"I'm hungry, so if we can grab food before that be great" I said grabbing my bag. "Can I use your jacket since you're not using it" I was already grabbing it and he nodded. Putting it on we walked out the trailers together and made our way to his car.

There wasn't really any talking between us. Usually it was a comfortable silence but now it was sort of awkward. I wanted to know what he was thinking about, he would always zone out today but instead of his lip biting it was a concerned thinking.

"What's wrong" I asked and stopped walking to face him. He stopped and turned to me and frowned

"I saw you and other Joe talking, like, like you two were in such a deep conversation and then you two were so close to each other and what not" he shrugged "I don't know but just, it seems odd"

"Odd? Joe is my best friend, plus he was the only person I could really talk to about this whole spy thing because it was secret. He's there for me-"

"Cut the whole spy role bullshit! There's something you're not telling me and you're telling him and that isn't fair" he snapped. I stepped back and took a deep breathe

this bitch raised his voice at me and I'm keeping my cool so I don't slap him.

"Why does it matter who I do and don't tell!" I yelled back. "Joseph, why this sudden change in attitude, why are you like this. I don't know why you're getting so worked up about this as if I wasn't gonna tell you when we got to one of our places, Joe was right there and there was so much time to spare" I argued

"You two have something going on right? You two being all cuddly in the pool and all close" he scoffed. I felt tears in my eyes and stepped back and started walking away "maybe those articles are right huh" he mumbled. I turned around and walked up to him and slapped him.

"You're a piece of shit! I trust you with everything and you know how those articles make me feel" I cried "don't fucking talk to me again, unless you're Eddie and I'm J, don't fucking talk to me" I pushed past him and walked in the other direction.

I didn't know where I was going or what I was gonna do but I did not want to be around him.

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