twenty seven

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AN- Hello loves! So I saw that a lot has been going on with Joseph and how crazy fans have been with him, if he ever and I mean ever feels uncomfortable with the fandom and fanfics I'll unpublished this or delete it but I have put alot of time and if anything it could be Eddie Munson and more of an AU book but let me know your opinions and thoughts you guys are my biggest supporters and I appreciate you all so much <3

"I can't find him" I mumbled messing with my keys as I looked around for him. My heart was racing and I was getting really antsy. "Where are you"

"Y/n" I looked around to find his voice but I felt arms around me. I turned and smiled seeing him "holy shit it's you" he laughed and dug his head into the crook of my neck. I smiled and held onto him. "I thought this was a prank"

"I would never" I mumbled. We pulled away and I smiled "so, I drove here!" I smiled showing him my keys

"Wow the passenger Princess finally drives!" He said making me roll my eyes and hit his chest. We smiled and just looked at each other "we should head out, before paparazzi is here"

"Yeah definitely" I smiled and turned as we made our way out the airport. We talked and caught up. It seemed like nothing has changed and as if we've been talking everyday. "Wait how big is he now?"

"So big, when he'll see you he'll be so happy. Might knock you down" I laughed and walked to our car. He got in and smiled looking around

"You really do decorate everything huh" he smiled looking at my dashboard. I laughed and nodded

"I mean, my home is my comfort place, my car is now my second comfort place" I smiled at him. He sat back and sort of rested. I could tell he was tired. I didn't bug him with anymore talking so we sort of drove home in silence with my music playing in the background.

"How long could I stay" he said suddenly, I glanced at him and shrugged.

"However long you want to stay" I told him.

"Don't tell me that, then I'll stay forever. To make up the time that we've been apart" I smiled at his words and nodded. He looked at me and smiled and went back to getting cozy in the seat.

After thirty minutes or so we parked at my house and I helped him get his things out.

"You're house is gorgeous, you gotta give me the beautiful LA and house tour" he told me as we walked up the steps

"But you've been in LA before" I got my keys out and unlocked the front door.

"I actually left right after that whole thing" he explained. I stared at him and frowned slightly "but don't worry! It's all fine I don't mind. I mean hey, just make it up to me this time"

"I will" he smiled at my words and we went in. "Blue I'm home!" I yelled, he came running out and went straight for Joe. Joe laughed as he went onto his knees and fell back as he kissed him all over his face. I laughed and pulled his bags to the side. "I'll take these to your room, you enjoy yourself" I dragged his bags to his room and set them down. I looked around and sighed.

"Beautiful room" i felt arms wrap around me, I glanced seeing Joe who was admiring the room. "You sure love decorating"

"Yeah, I dabble" I smiled and pulled away from his grasp. "Get comfortable! I'll be in the living room if you wanna come out or stay here. But the viewing is tomorrow morning and I don't know exactly who's coming but they'll be brunch stuff and what not"

"Speaking of brunch. I'm hungry. Let me unpack and everything and I'll come out so we can figure out what to eat" he smiled

"Sounds good" I walked back to the living room and sat down and waited for Joe to come out. After a while He came out and was wearing grey sweats and a tank top. He sat besides me and leaned against me and scrolled through his phone. "What do you wanna eat?" He asked

"Well I love (favorite food) and I haven't had it in a while" I mumbled looking down at him as he adjusted himself. He was now laying on my lap and I looked down at him.

"You know I've never had that before" he said looking up at me. My eyes widened and I placed on hand on his head and played with his hair. "That feels nice"

"You've never really had (your favorite food)! I'm gonna order it and we're gonna eat it and you're gonna have to be complete honest with me if you like it or not" I explained as I ordered it.

"I'm sure I'll love it, it sounds amazing" he smiled and closed his eyes as he relaxed on my laps. I ordered the food and turned the tv on. "Let's watch conjuring" he added

"But your eyes are closed" i chuckled

"Exactly that's the point" he smirked making me hit his chest. I turned the movie on and he moved his head so he could watch the movie but I was still playing with his hair. After a while the door rang and Joe sat up. "Stay here I'll get it" he went over and took the food from the delivery person. He came back and pulled the coffee table close to us. "It smells amazing"

"Right! I always ate this as a kid and I loved it then and I love it now" we smiled and paused the movie so could eat and not have to worry about missing anything even though we've watched it so many times.

"I'm really glad you invited me here. I really just appreciate that you thought of me and invited me to your home and just want me here for your special day tomorrow" he smiled and pinched my cheek.

"It's not even that special! We don't even know for sure that I'm gonna get this nomination. I'm just up for it" I said and sat back on the couch. "It's nerve racking, I don't even think that if I do get it I won't win and I'm a sore loser" he laughed and shrugged

"But getting the nomination makes you a winner, well at least in my eyes" he said and laid his head on my shoulder

"Thank you my love"

"Anything for you my love"

ꜰᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ | 𝗝𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗵 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now