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Why was I so nervous to see him. Why did I use blue birthday as an excuse to see him. Will he understand everything? Will he hear me out. He has to, he's my best friend.

The knock on the door startled me and got blue barking. "Hush" I said as I walked over there. I opened the door and a million butterflies went off in my stomach. "Joseph"

"Y/n" we stood there for a moment before I stepped close to him and brought him into a tight hug. He hugged me tightly and rested his head into my neck and softly laughed making me smile big. We pulled away and I grinned cupping his face "what? Something wrong with my face?" He said as I nodded my head no

"You got a little stubble growing" I smiled and pulled him inside. Blue came running over and jumped all over him. He picked him and was laughing as he was giving him kisses and walked over to my living room with him. He placed bags on the coffee table and laid on the ground playing with him. I smiled sitting on the couch watching the two.

After a while blue ran off and Joe got up and sat next to me. We sort sat there in silence till he pulled a small bag from the table. "The rest is for blue, but this is for you" he said and handed me the bag. I sat up and opened the bag. After taking out the papers there was a small box. I looked up at him and then a back at the bag. I pulled it out and opened it. I smiled seeing a small charm "it's for our bracelets, and theres something else in there" he shrugged it off.

I pulled out another box and inside was a beautiful necklace. I looked up at him and he was already looking at me.

"I got that for you because I thought you would like it, and I thought you would look good in it Ya know the way you plan your outfits your a big jewelry person so I didn't wanna get you anything really blingy but sometime simple but not to simple, I don't know I just hope you like it-" I cut him off and pulled him in for a kiss.

He immediately kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me over to him so I was on his lap and he deepened the kiss as one hand stayed on my waist and the other to the back of my head. We slowly pulled away and I looked down at him as he rubbed my thighs "oh fuck" he sighed

"Should I have not done that" I mumbled as I slowly got up, his arms wrapped around my waist and nodded no.

"No, I mean yes? No I don't know but I'm glad you did" he whispered and kissed my lips again. "Y/n, the feelings I have for you. No one else in this world has made me feel the way you do" he admitted. "I was absolutely broken seeing those pictures of you and Evans. I wanted to be the one kissing and hugging you, y/n in Hawaii I was going to tell you everything but you didn't come" he whispered. I sat besides him but my legs were across him. He explained everything to me, how he felt and how broken he was. "Why did you leave?"

"Do you really wanna know everything?" I asked him which he immediately nodded yes.

"So y/n? What do you say? Wanna have a go at us again?"

"No" I stepped back from him and sighed "there's this guy named Joseph, who I just adore so much. There's nothing in this world that makes me feel the way he does" I mumbled. "Chris I love you, and I always will but there's no going back and if we were truly meant to be"

"We would still be" he said with a nod and smiled. "I understand y/n" we walked out the golf course together "remember how you always said you wanted a serious role" he reminded me


"Well, I'm working on a film, but top secret. I love for you to work on it with me, no action, just actual drama and suspense" he told me "and we start filming like now, I would love to have you in it with me"

"This is all so sudden" I told him

"What can I say, I love moving fast"he said making me laugh. I nodded with a smile and shook his hand

"Cant wait to work with you"

"Neither can I"

"But you couldn't tell me? You left me in the dark and I felt so alone, and I'd say if you weren't such a good kisser I should of left by now". He laughed and rested his head on my chest

"I couldn't, no one from the cast knows, not even Timothee. All those pictures and everything was us filming"

"What's it called?" He asked looking up at me

"It's called stars, I have a few more months of filming and the rest of it we have to film here so that's why I'm here" I said playing with his hair. He hummed and looked up at me. "Then I'm back at home in la"

"I'm actually going to LA, there's a place out there that I fell in love with"

"That's nice" I smiled "we can see each other more"

"We can" he hummed and moved next to me. We faced each other and smiled as our noses touched. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me softly. "Y/n, I really like you" he says against my lips

"Really, I thought you were kissing me for fun"

"You are such an ass" he said making me laugh "seriously y/n, the feeling that went through my body when you kissed me. When we kissed on set of stranger things, it wasn't Eddie kissing J. It was me kissing you" he admitted "I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he whispered


"Yes, you. It's always been you" he kissed my cheek and then kissed my lips. "I want to be with you" he whispered "the thing is, do you want to be with me?"

"I don't know" I pulled away from his grasp and sat up. "In a world where we aren't famous and we were brought together by fate I would say yes a hundred times" he was worried but sat up and listened to what I had to say. "I'm just scared of what people would have to say about you, my name has been through so much and I would hate that yours will be just because you want to be with me" he held onto my hands and grabbed my chin and looked at me

"They can say all they want about me, but that doesn't change the fact that I have strong feelings for you, y/n , nothing in this world will ever change my feelings about you" he kissed my hand and looked up at me "so what do yo say" he whispered

Breaking news!
Y/f/n and stranger things newcomer Joseph Quinn caught sharing a loving kiss

Breaking news! Y/f/n and stranger things newcomer Joseph Quinn caught sharing a loving kiss

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