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"You're obsessed with my lightsabers" I laughed sitting on my couch as Joseph was practicing some spins and adding his own little style to it.

"They're so cool, you can't blame me for being so invested in them" he chuckled and did a final spin before hitting his face. "Oh shit" he laughed setting it down. I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh and stood up to comfort him.

"Geez, that was sure a wack" I smiled and led him to the kitchen where I got an ice pack for him. "Here, I have so many all ready, just the other day I was doing a flip and hit the inside of my thigh" I laughed as I moved his hand and placed the ice pack on his face. He placed his hand over mine for a few seconds and I smiled and pulled my hand away and sat on the counter across from him.

"How'd it feel? The whole ya know articles and the internet thing?" He asked leaning back

"It was, I don't know, I just ignored it. Sure I sort of cried because that didn't know me and were calling me these ugly words and names but I took a break and just decided to not pay any attention to it" he looked at me with kind eyes and gave me a soft smile.

Something about Joseph, his presence made everything feel cozy and safe. Such a gentle loving vibe from him and if it was up to me, I'd spend every free minute I have with him. It seemed odd to feel this way about a human being that I've met, maybe two months ago. But when I'm with him, it feels as if I've known him forever. So understanding and loving, he's genuinely the most wholesome person I've ever met.

After a long night of talking about our roles, our lifestyles growing up and just knowing to get each other.

He is very charming and genuinely a very attractive person. I couldn't help but focus on the small things he's done in the small amount of time we've spent together.

The way he zones out when he's thinking, or how he always counts to five as he swings the lightsaber, how he tells stories and using his whole body to tell them. The way he sort of chews on his thumb or on his lip before he gives me an answer. How he loves fashion and isn't the biggest fan of social media.

If it was up to Joseph, I like to think that if acting wasn't for him he would be that cool laid back guy you always see at the farmers market .

"Something on your mind y/n?" He asked looking over at me as we sat on the couch together.

"Yeah" I whispered looking back him. Although we were sort of slumped on the couch he is a bit taller then me so I had to look up at him "what is it love?" he whisperers

"Why haven't we met any sooner? You're like, my favorite person at the moment" we both smile at my words and laugh

"I could say the same thing"

・*:.。..。.:*3rd person pov ・*:.。..。.:*

The next day it was finally y/n big action scene. The nerves she felt in her stomach constantly wanted to make her throw up.

"Why does it have to be so tight" she mumbled as the staff as helping her get ready. The suit fit her body perfectly along with holsters that fit around her thighs and a belt. That in a way did absolutely nothing for her but just brought out her figure.

With enough begging and pleading Shawn allowed the cast to watch y/n film her scene. Everyone knew how much work and training that was put into it so they wanted to see it being filmed.

"What a hottie!" Millie yelled as Y/n was walking onto the set. She turned red and shook her head no. "How does it feel! You look like black widow" she smiled as she touched y/n suit

She knew exactly what Tom was saying when he felt weird when everyone touching him. As everyone was complimenting her they were getting the set geared up and all the extras on.

"Why are we doing such a big thing just for Dustin day dream" Finn asked as they took their seats.

"This is season four, go big or go home" Shawn smiled. "Alright y/n are you ready?" He asked looking at her. The girl stood there for a second and took a breath.

"Y/n" she turned immediately hearing her favorite voice and smiled. There stood Joseph in his Eddie costume and smiled at her "you got this, I believe in you" he rubbed her back and gave her a small hug "go kick ass"

"Shut up" she laughed and walked onto the set. Everyone had their eyes on the screen waiting for them to start filming.

"Alright 3 2 1, action!"

"I don't see anybody here, not only are you wasting my time but you're pissing me off" she told her partner. As they walked into the small room she immediately placed her hand over her holster as she heard something

"There isn't anyone there, stop being paranoid" the partner told. She heard a click and immediately pulled her gun and pointed at J and J pointed it at her. "You know, i know you can kill me, but can you take down 15 soldiers" she smirked

"Yes I can, but unfortunately you won't be alive to see it" J  said coldly before dodging the shot, she kicked their knee making them fall and quickly shot them. She huffed and continued walking down the hall.

Knowing that she had so many people going against her she closed her eyes and placed her hands against her face.

"You got this" she mumbled to herself and walked confidently into the room. Automatically J dodges a swing and dropped them down, pulling a knife out her thigh holster she stabbed them in the neck and looked up as she heard people  running towards her. She took a breath and closed her eyes.

Opening them she saw the rest of them running towards her. Re loading her gun she started shooting and fighting them all at the same time. Dodging and taking them down one by one, you could tell she's been trained her whole life to deal with this.

Which she was

She had slammed down someone and knocked them out with her gun. she looked up seeing the last three and raised it to shoot them, but nothing came out.

"Your time is up, and it's time for you to die" he smirked holding his gun out. She smiled and shook her head walking up to him

"No, but it is for you" she whispered, pulling a blade from her thigh and throwing it into the neck of the solider on the left, then hitting the arm and making him shoot the one on the right. Using her leg to kick him , which he caught, she easily had a good grip on him and took him down.

"You little bit-" before he could finish his sentence she knocked him out.

"People can be so annoying" she sighed and stood up and looked at all of them laying lifeless on the floor. Not showing any grief or sympathy, she took a gun off a dead body and placed it in her holster and walked away from the scene.

"And cut! Beautiful beautiful" Shawn yelled, making everyone clap and y/n face was turning red. She smiled as everyone was smiling and cheering for her.

Standing and watching her from behind the cameras was Joseph, who was speechless and impressed by y/n talent.

"Wasn't that something, that was fucking, fuck awesome!" Keery laughed as he clapped his hands

"Isn't she something" Joseph smiled and admired her from afar "she's amazing"

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