twenty four

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AN- HEY so before I start this chapter I was just wondering if y'all would read a Eddie x reader book based on the storyline I created for this book. Like the whole spy thing but obviously instead of J it would be y/n but let me know! Anyways thanks for the comments and votes mwuah on to the story <3

"That movie was amazing you did so good!" Sadie said as she hugged me. After the film we had an after party and I was so happy to see more of my friends there.

"You did a beautiful job mija I'm so proud of you! Oscar sends his love, they couldn't find a sitter but they so badly wanted to be here for you" Pedro said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled from all the love I was receiving and felt so light. Nothing else was going on in the world except all the people that were here.

"Cmon y/n have some drinks with us!" Keery said. I took a deep breath and bit my lip. I've done good this long, I'll be fine

"Just a few" I smiled and followed him to the bar. We took a few shots and shared some heavy drinks but then continued taking more shots. I needed more, I went to raise my hand for another but I felt someone grab it

"Y/n! Did you drink" the voice was so stern but I couldn't put a name to it. I put my hands up and giggled

"Just a little bit" I whispered and brought my hands to their chest.

"Fuck y/n" they sighed. I raised my eyebrows and pulled out their phone "I'm calling jarrod. I know you're having a wonderful time but we need to get you home"

"But I wanna dance" I pulled away and went to the dance floor. I smiled and danced around with all the people. I looked and saw Pedro who grabbed my hand and danced with me. He spun me around and paused for a second as he pulled close

"Y/n did you drink" he asked. His face was full of concern and he held my hand

"Why is everyone worried? I'm fine, I went this long being fine! I'll be good" I smiled and hugged him. He sighed and pulled me off the dance floor.

"There she is" there was that voice again. Fuck. Why couldn't I remember who it was.

"Y/n" Jarrod sighed and examined my face. "Yeah, let's get her home"

"I'll carry her" they came over to pick me up and I instantly remembered who it was. The way he held me close. It was Joe. "I'll take her home" he told jarrod who nodded and walked out with us. I felt light flashing and groaned and buried my head into his chest. He held me close and put me in the car and then got in next to me.

I immediately laid my head on his lap and held onto him.

Joseph POV

She looked so elegant. But I was so worried. She's been sober for who knows how long and I'm just worried she's gonna get back into it.

"I was an absolute mess" she said softly as we laid in bed together. "I let the media get to me so bad that I let myself go" she traced small shapes on my chest and sighed "you won't leave me because of this right?"

"Never! Y/n beating an addiction is something that is so hard and you did that. I will never judge you for the challenge you have overcame. If anything I'm so proud of you" I smiled and kissed her softly. She kissed me back and smiled against my lips as she pulled away.

"I'm so glad you're my boyfriend"

"I'm so glad you're my girlfriend"

I snapped out of it when the driver told me that we were at her place. I got off the car and slowly picked her up.

"Joseph" she mumbled, I hummed in response and looked down at her as I walked to her front door. She picked up her head and started kissing my neck.

"Y/n, stop" I said as I placed her on the bench and got her spare key out.

"What? You're telling me after everything you don't want to do anything with me" she groaned and reached out for my hand "you don't want me"

"Y/n of course I want you. I want nothing else in this world but you" I said opening the door. I helped her get up and inside and walked her to the couch. Blue came up and jumped all over me. I gave him some love and then went back to y/n. Who was stripping.

I've seen her naked but she was wearing fucking Chanel. Who wears Chanel and throws it to the side like it was nothing.

"Y/n" I sighed and got the clothes and carefully laid them out on her other couch. I felt her hand caress my back and I turned to face her. Her hands reached up to my cheeks but I immediately grabbed them. "Y/n you're drunk, you don't want this I know you"

"But what if I do" she mumbled and pulled her hands away from me. "After all that flirting and attempts to get back together, now you don't want me" she scoffed and walked to her room. I sighed and followed behind her. I grabbed her some clothes and helped her get dress.

We sat on the bed as she rambled on about me not loving her but I ignored and wiped her makeup off. "Y/n stop please, I'm trying to make you as comfortable as possible because I know it's gonna be hell for you when you wake up"

"It already is because you're not there in bed with me!" She shouted. She leaned against the bed frame cried softly holding her knees. "I just want to be happy and loved. I've done so much fucked up shit in my life and I just want to be happy. I was with you and you fucked it up!" She yelled.

Her words broke my heart and I frowned watching her cry. "Stop looking at me like that! I never meant anything to you huh! I was just a fucking project for you to get famous" she threw a pillow at me and I caught and stood up.

"I'll leave you alone" I whispered and got up.

"Don't leave me again" she whispered. I turned to face her and she was staring down at her bed sobbing. "Don't leave me"

"Do you want me to stay or leave? I get it y/n you're drunk but what the fuck do you want from me?" I was starting to get frustrated with her and sighed taking a step back and rubbing my face.  "I'll be in the living room with blue. You're drunk, go to bed" I kissed her head and helped her get comfortable "I'll talk to you tomorrow" I whispered. She frowned softly and turned her back to me and hugged her pillow.

I close the door behind me and sat on the couch as blue jumped up and laid on my lap.

"What am I gonna do blue" I mumbled as I cuddled with him.

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