twenty one

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I woke up to pounding on the door and groaned. I was asleep on the couch with blue but he woke up to the sound of it.

"Stay here" I looked up from the couch and saw Timothee rub his eyes as he walked to the door. "Well isn't this a surprise" I sat up and my stomach dropped seeing him.

"Fuck you" I shout and get up and walk to my room with blue following me. He pushed past Timothee and followed me

"Yeah, it's early im just gonna go back to bed" I heard Timothee say as he closed the front door.

"Y/n listen to me" Joe said as he tried to grab my hand

"Joseph! Don't touch me! Who knows what you've touched and done! You're full of lies and you're just a horrible person!" I yelled

"Jesus fuck! Can you stop and listen to me?" He begged and followed me into my room. He shut my door and grabbed my hands "you are feeling so many emotions right now and that. That is totally valid you have every right to be upset at me, fuck you can even slap me and I wouldn't be mad" before he could say another word I slapped him. His jaw dropped and he touched his cheek "okay, valid" I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. "Can I talk" he mumbled

"Sure, but just know i am very and I mean very upset at you. And after this I don't want anything to do with you" I mumbled

"You're just saying that because you're upset" he frowned and grabbed my hand. I looked down at our hands and took a deep breath and looked up at him.

"Explain then" he stood up and started telling me everything. How he originally found me attractive and his agent noticed that. How he then tried to peruse Joe to just hook up with me, nothing more and nothing less. But Joe was against it and wanted to be with because he wanted to.

"I mean think about it y/n. You know that I do acting because it's something I love, not for the money. Why would I get with you to get all that"

"But you said you couldn't believe it worked so obviously you're lying to me about something" I snapped at him. He sighed and grabbed my desk chair and sat across from me.

"Y/n. I care about you and I want no one else and nothing else but to be with you. I was drunk and everything I said was true but the way I explained it wasn't right" he said. I started bringing up everything he said and how it wasn't lining up with what he was saying now and we just went at it. After a while of arguing I got up and sighed as I left the room and went to the kitchen. I saw Timothee standing there and raised his eyebrows

"Coffee?" He mumbled and slide me a mug. I nodded and poured myself some and sat on the kitchen counter. Joe came right after and stopped and raised his eyebrows as well "coffee?" Timothee said and slid him a mug as well.

"I'll pass, wait actually no I'll take some" he said. "We're not done with our conversation" he said and grabbed his cup of coffee and sat next to me. "Before we start. Does he have to be here" he mumbled as Timothee was sipping his coffee

"He can be where he wants to be" I snapped "he was there when you went fucking some other girl!"

"I told you that was my best friends girlfriend! She was drunk and was all over everybody!" He yelled back "nothing happened!"

"Then why did your voicemail end when she said Joe come back" I snapped

"Just because she said that you think we fucked? What about you two huh? Did you guys fuck? Like did you have some revenge sex or some shit"

"Woah woah woah. Y/n and I strictly platonic so whatever you're trying to do? Yeah throw that shit out the window" he snapped and got his coffee and went to the living room.

"What if I said that you two were lying huh?"

"What's with you seriously Joseph! Like I constantly feel like your lying to me and hiding things from me! What else? I mean since we're here might as well tell me all the other things you're hiding from me!"

Before Joseph could open his mouth the front door opened making us all jump.

"Where the fuck is he!" Jarrod threw his bags and looked over at Joseph and walked up to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt "I said apologize! And instead you go behind my back and make a public statement! then pictures are leaked with you and another girl!" He yelled. Before I knew it Jarrod punched him in the face.

The world started spinning and everything became heavy.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Timothee came over and helped him up

"I'm on the plane back, bam statement from Joseph talking about your relationship and basically fucking everything up! Half of her deals are off because they don't want to deal with a star who's constantly in relationships! Don't you fucking listen to me" he yelled "then a 'close source' leaked a picture of Joseph and some girl going into the house" he finished. Timothee looked at Joseph and punched him again.

"Stop!" I yelled and went over to Joseph. I kneeled down and sighed seeing him hold his nose. "Why would you do this" I frowned as I grabbed napkins and held it to his nose. I turned seeing Timothee hold his hand from pain and Jarrod pacing around

"I swear I didn't. I promise on everything I didn't say a word! Those pictures might of been when everyone was at my house and they only caught or edited it of us two together. Y/n I love you and I would never and I mean ever hurt you" he cried. He sat up and held me close. I was hurt but I couldn't cry. I was so sick of crying. "Y/n please, you have to believe me"

AN - AHHH I'm so excited hehehe also I wasn't gonna update cus it's my bday today 🤭 but I really wanted to get this chapter out! Thank you for all the comments and votes I appreciate it all.
Also what do y'all think, should y/n take this mf back lmk even though I already know I just wanna hear what you guys have to say

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