twenty five

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I was in a constant waking up and sleeping mood. My head wouldn't let me rest. I was constantly thinking about y/n. Her reaction to her waking up, how she's going to feel. I felt like I needed to be on watch and make sure she doesn't do anything to herself. I got up and went over to her room and check on her.

She was sleeping softly and clinging onto that pillow like there was no tomorrow.

I wish that was me.

Every now and then I went to check on her or walked around the house. I didn't wanna snoop around too much because that's still her privacy.

After a while I went back to the couch and laid down. I looked up at the ceiling and frowned.

Where did this all go wrong. Where did happen how did it start. We were so happy and so excited to finally be with each other. To finally confess our feelings and be able to kiss each other without a worry in the world.

I so badly want to go into her room and just hold her. Hold her and tell her everything is okay and that I am there for her and will always be there for her. That I will take care of her and love her until the end of time. I will support every decision she makes and love her unconditionally.

I closed my eyes hoping to sleep but suddenly I woke up to sobbing and the sound of gagging. I jumped up and ran to y/n room and noticed she wasn't in her bed. I looked over to her restroom and saw her hunched over the toilet. "Oh my love" I mumbled and went over to her. I immediately fell to my knees and pulled her hair back as she was crying.

"I failed" she sobbed "I gave in and failed I'm a horrible human" she opened her mouth to say something but turned to the toilet and threw up. I sighed and rubbed her back softly and held her hand. I adjusted my position and sat behind her as she threw up and when she could, she would lean back into my chest.

After a while we sat there in silence. She flushed the toilet and we stood up as she washed her face and her mouth.

"Do you want a shower" I asked as I moved to the side.

"Yeah" she whispered. "Can you stay with me though"

"Are you still drunk?" I chuckled making her smile softly

"No. Trust me I'm sober, I just don't want to be alone" she rubbed her arms and sat at the edge of the bath.

"I'll be in your room, so you still have your privacy" I explained "but I won't leave, I'll be here with you" I added making her nod. "I'm gonna feed blue real quick and I'll be back in here"

"Deal" she said. I walked out the restroom and heard the water go off. I fed blue and went to her room and sat on the bed. I've never really been to her place, so I observed everything. The pictures on the wall of her friends, her bookshelves filled with (whatever your heart desires) it was all so cute. She came out with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Feel better?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded as she went over to the dresser and pulled clothes out. She set them on the bed then got dressed and sat besides me.

"Joe" I looked at her and hummed in response. "I think this will be the last time we see each other for a while" she told me. I tensed up and looked at her with a small frown. "I think it's better for the both of us" she whispered.

"Why? What we had before is that all nothing now" I snapped and stood up. I looked at her as tears fell down her cheek. "Y/n, no. No this won't be the last time I see you, you're my girl- you're my best friend. I will be here for you no matter what and now. Now you're just pushing me away"

"That's just how I deal with my problems" I scoffed at her words and ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

"So I'm a problem" she didn't say anything and stared at the ground. "Okay y/n. I'll see you whenever i see you then" I mumbled and left her room and grabbed my things. My frustration went away as I crouched down and played with blue "I'll see you when I see you my love" I kissed his head and made my way out her place. I walked out and looked back at her house.

"When you come to LA I'm literally gonna give you the biggest house tour! I've work so hard on my home you'll love it" she smiled down at me. I was laying on my back and she was sitting on my waist

"Is that so? Hmm well give me like a rundown of it all! So I can be even more surprised when I see it" I rubbed her thighs softly and she nodded

"So I have this beautiful pool that we're gonna have endless pool days in! Then we're gonna babe stop you're tickling me" my hands were going up her waist and I laughed and she got off and laid beside me. I turned to my side and faced her with a smile. "Seriously you're gonna love my home, and you can come over and stay over as much as you want" she smiled.

"Sounds like a plan my love" I leaned in and kissed her softly and wrapped my arm around her waist "can I also kiss you whenever I want" I smirked. She rolled her eyes and pushed my chest with a laugh. "What! I'm being for real, all I want are your kisses" I hummed and kissed her again.

"I can't wait to be in LA with you, and just show you everything" she sighed

"Me either my love"

ꜰᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ | 𝗝𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗵 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now