thirty one

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I sat on the floor besides Joe. Strangers things have dropped and it was amazing, the amount of love we've gotten and the love for Joe was growing. Interview after interview became really tiring. I've never had a promo tour like this besides Spider-Man but even then it was cut really short.

We were now in the buzz feed studio and our groups were split up and it was Joe and I which I was really happy with. I smiled at the producer as he explained what was going on in this interview and what not.

"I love puppies" I smiled looking at Joe who was sitting right next to me with his arm around my waist. We both sat up a bit as they let them out and set them beside us

"Oh my gosh look at you" Joe smiled as he picked one up and started petting them, the puppies ran around us and came up every so often. My entire focus was on them and I was in and out "I'm pretty sure y/n forgot this was an interview" he said rubbing my side with a small smile.

"Oh I'm so sorry what was the question" I laughed

"After winning an Oscar being in two movies that everyone loved and now being apart one of the biggest television series. How does it all feel?" He asked

"Well it's just been amazing" I said carrying a puppy in my arm "very overwhelming, my agent and I did not think this would all happen so fast and back to back but I'm grateful for my friends and ya know my amazing boyfriend" I smiled leaning into Joe chest "for being the biggest support system ever" I nodded

"Joe. How does it feel being apart of the stranger things cast and how was it"

Joe stopped playing with the puppy for a second and smiled "it's been amazing, I mean the love I've received from the fans and from the cast. I mean how much better can it get?"

"Being one of three new guys on the block what was it like?" Joe and I laughed at the small joke and shrugged

"I feel like everyone was so welcoming, oh no babies don't fight" I stopped to pull apart two puppies and held them away from each other "everyone was so welcoming and I already had worked with Sadie who is amazing so coming into set was just so fun and I mean Quinn and I hit it off"

"Oh yeah, we got along so well we started dating" Joe said making everyone laugh "yeah I don't think there was ever a moment where I felt left out or anything like that. The cast and all the teams were just absolutely welcoming and just beautiful people" he nodded "forever grateful for being able to play Eddie and bringing that character to life. He's so cool and I mean it's given me so many opportunities and brought so many important people into my life that I'm grateful for" I smiled at his words and he looked over at me and smiled back. I turned back as a puppy ran onto my lap as I was cuddling with another one

"Y/n we were told that all the stunts you did were you, and you rarely had a stunt double, how was that?"

"It was so cool!" I smiled "I had a double for like stand ins but everything else was so cool, I've never been so sore in my life and tired because let me tell you. Those rehearsals and everything yeah those are all so hard core" I laughed

"What is your favorite memory on set"

"Mine would have to be when the boys came over and I had taught them lightsaber tricks" I laughed "it was so fun and chaotic"

"Mine would be always sleeping in y/n trailer" he smiled "she always had the best muffins in the morning and for some reason her couches were the comfiest" Joe said making us laugh

"Ya know Joe I think you have a crush on y/n" someone said making Joe and I laugh even harder

"You know you might be right, but just a small little crush, not like I'm in love with her" he shrugged "I'm kidding I'm so in love with this girl"

"So with you two being one of Hollywoods favorite couple, what's next for you two. Any big plans?" He asked making Joe and I blush. He shrugged and held two puppies in his hands

"Right now I think we're just enjoying each other presence and just enjoying life. I will be going back to London soon so I'm just enjoying the time I have with her before we depart" he said as the puppies were getting more hyper. I nodded with a smile as I played tug a war with one of them. "I think these past few months really were like a breather for us. Especially with ya know, my girlfriend being one of the best actresses in the world and everyone wants her"

"You think I'm the best actress? You're only saying that because I'm your girlfriend" I laughed

"In my eyes you are" he smiled and kissed my cheek. He laid his head on my shoulder as we continued with the interview. After getting what we got we said bye to the puppies and got up. Holding hands we left the studio and met up with the others. We went to a bigger studio where we were doing the most googled questions and they separated us again.

I was with Joe, Dustin, Keery.

"Hello I'm y/n" I smiled

"I'm Joe"

"I'm also Joe"

"And I'm Joe" Gaten said making me laugh
(An - if you saw dustin I am so sorry I was also writing chapters from my Eddie stories and I didn't proof read I'm sorry babies 😭😭)

"And this is the wire auto complete interview" I said and jumped as the boys started clapping "this is going to be so chaotic"

"Y/n I feel like we see you here every other month" the camera man said making me laugh with a nod

"When's the last time you were here?" Gaten asked

"Spider-Man, yeah man I basically live in these studios" I smiled as they handed us our boards. After countless jokes and apparently me getting the Joe mixed up, it was one of the best interview I've had.

"Who is y/n favorite joe?" All the boys looked at me and I hid my red face with my board "what an absurd question? I would never ,Gaten is my favorite Joe" I said with a big smile. Gaten got out his chair and raised his arms like a winner.

"So not fair" Keery said making me shrug. After finishing the last one we did a little outro and met with others.

"All this is making me hungry" Noah said as Millie nodded

"Food? Please we can go to my place I just want food and sleep" I mumbled laying my head on Joes shoulder as he kissed the top of it.

"Don't have to tell me twice, y/n has a pool and it's calling my name" Sadie said with a smile as we all started walking to the cars.

AN/ the comments you guys have left are making me smile so big, I'm so glad I know I have so many people by my side I truly adore it so much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I have so much more happy chapters of my favorite couple planned, love you guys !

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