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"You both lied to me and left me out of this!" I yelled on the phone. I was currently walking home, or attempting because I was getting pretty tired.

"Listen! I will fly out tomorrow morning so we can talk about this in person" he said

"No! I don't want to see anyone in person! I don't wanna deal with anyone because who in their right fucking mind comes up with something like that and who doesn't tell that person 'hey! They wanna use you as a publicity stunt' why would you keep that from me jarrod" I cried "why" I let out a sob and hung up the phone. Even though I wanted a explanation so bad I didn't want to hear it at all.

I ended up getting an Uber and while I was waiting I called Timothee

"Hey! Hey calm down it's okay" he said on the phone

"It's not! For once I thought I was happy and loved, for once I thought someone wanted to be with me because they liked me, not for fucking publicity shit!" I cried "I was nothing more then a push for him to get on headlines, for his name to be on things! Was making the stranger things cast not enough for him! Fuck" I yelled

"Y/n listen, I'm landing right now. I was going to surprise you but just send me the address to your place and I'll be over asap" he said

"Why the fuck are you in London?" I asked

"I have fittings and a audition but that could all wait, I need to be there for you" he said. I saw a car pull up and sighed

"My Uber is here, I'll text you when I get back" I hung up on Timothee and got in. Luckily the Uber driver didn't want to talk but I sure as hell wasn't in the mood. After dropping me off I turned my phone back on I noticed so many calls from Joe. There was even voicemails.

I walked up the steps and sighed as I listened to them

Hey babe! You're not here? Where are you, I thought you would be in the taxi behind me but you weren't. Call back!

Hey babe uh yeah you're still not here and everything feels all woozy. Come give me kisses now

He was still drunk

Hey babeee where are thou?
Joe come back
Ooo I gotta go honey I'll see you and kiss you later!

That was a girls voice. No fucking way.

I went inside and threw my phone across the living room. I took off my jacket and went to my room to change. I was a sobbing mess.

His calls kept coming in but I ignored them all. I threw my phone again hoping it would break but unfortunately not.

"Hey y/n" I walked out my room and ran towards the front door. I opened it and saw Timothee, I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed into his arms. He sighed and held me tight and rubbed my back "I got here as quick as I could" he mumbled "what the hell happened? Tell me everything"

We sat on my couch as I tried to explain everything I could. I was a crying mess and he somehow understood everything.

"You said that he said that he really did fall for you though. Doesn't that make you feel any better?" He asked as I cuddled with blue

"Yes and no. The reason why he started talking to me and comforting me because he wanted publicity" I mumbled "Did he do that out of kindness or was he trying to get in my pants"

"Did he ever say if we was in on the plan? Or was that all his agent?"

"Even if he wasn't why would he hide that from me! On top of that it all adds up. The constant going out, the push for us to post ourselves or something. Maybe I'm over thinking it"

"You have every reason to overthink. Y/n this guy was, what we think so far, using you to make his own name big" I got up and went into my kitchen and pulled out all the hard liquor that I had. I never and I mean never used it. It was only there for Joe or friends that came over.

I was so sick of everything I just needed a drink.

"Woah y/n cmon no" Timothee said pulling the bottles from me. I felt my heart burn and tears just constantly fell. "You can't do this, look at me, you can't do this" he said cupping my face

"It's not fair Timothee! I just want a break so give me the fucking bottles" I yelled as I pushed his chest.

"Y/n! 3 years sober! You really wanna throw that out the window because of this! You're so much better then this. Cut this shit out" he yelled. I stepped back from him and sighed. "Cmon, let's get you to bed" he said. I pushed him away and leaned against the wall and slid down.

"Will I always fall for stupid boys?" I whispered. He sat by me and sighed "seriously like. I feel like I'm on a constant loop of being so happy then so fucking miserable"

"I know love, and I'm really sorry that you're going through it" he whispered. "Talk to him. See what really happened. Maybe his agent was an ass and Joe really likes you"

"I don't want to talk to him anymore. He left a voicemail and a girl voice was in the back" I said and handed him my phone. He listened to it and slide my phone away

"Hm okay well now we're in the stage of getting over a relationship" Timothee said making me smile "never seems to end with this one huh?" He smirked

"But I want him so bad" I said hugging my knees.

Joseph pov

"seriously get off" I mumbled pushing her away. Some of my friends came over to sleep since my place was the closest. One of my friends girlfriend was drunk and was all over everyone and I constantly had to push her off and couldn't get away from her till I locked myself in my room.

I looked around and saw a picture of y/n and I hugging each other tightly. I smiled softly and raised my eyebrows because it just hit me that she wasn't there. I frowned to myself and sat on my bed and looked down at my phone.

Suddenly Jarrod started calling me. I raised my eyebrows and answered it

"Hello this is Joseph Quinn the one and only" I said with a smile

"Are you fucking crazy!" He yelled, I jumped a bit and was very confused

"What ever do you mean my good sir" I asked

"Fuck my life and fuck everything, you're drunk aren't you?" He scoffed "well listen dumbass. You told y/n your agents little plan and she thinks you're in on it! Now she's sobbing and feels stupid for falling for an idiot like you" he sighed "Joseph listen, sober the fuck up and go talk to her. I'm on my way to the airport right now to get to her but you need to get there before me, explain to her that it was your agent and you didn't take any part in it. Explain everything to her like you did to me. Maybe she'll believe you but then again the way she explained it to me seemed like you were on it"

"But I would never! Y/n is my love and I got with her because I wanted her not cus he was making me" I said with a frown and got up.

Everything was a bit fuzzy but the thought of y/n sad made me sad.

"Joseph, I don't like you. Never did and probably won't ever. But y/n? She's my everything and she adores you. Because of that I tolerate you. Hearing her sob and cry on the phone is the most heart breaking thing that I could hear. Sober your ass up! Go apologize and explain because I won't be there for another 10 hours!" He hung the phone up and I felt like I was gonna vomit.

What the fuck did I do.

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