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She didn't come on the trip. She didn't even say bye. Months have gone by and
I haven't spoken to her since. It's been a while
She stayed in LA with him and they seem, happy.
I felt like everything we've been through sort of went out the window. Our texts weren't as frequent anymore. We don't call anymore.
Neither of them really said anything, not confirming or denying the relationship but they were always caught out together.
At first I cried. I cried a lot.
It didn't feel fair that she was with him and not with me. It wasn't fair because I was never given the opportunity to tell her how I felt.
It's not fair.
He's already given her all he could give, why does he get a second chance and I don't even get a chance.
I always constantly feel like I'm losing. All I have from her is our matching charm bracelets that I always wear. I always ponder how she's doing but never put the energy into messaging her.

"Hello! Anyone home" I raised an eyebrow at the sound of knocking and the voice. I cleaned up a bit and walked over to the door. I opened it and was quite confused. It was one of y/n assistants "hi! Joseph Quinn?"

"The one and only" I chuckled. She handed me a small envelope and left.


Is this a wedding invitation? Is this it. Is this all my chances going out the window, I don't understand what's happening. I felt my chest become heavy, tears were already brimming my eyes and I couldn't breath.

I went to my kitchen and sighed as I used a pair of scissors and opened the envelope. Out slipped a little envelope. I was already a crying mess. I turned it over and sighed heavily.

You're invited to Blues birthday!

There A small picture college of him and her and I couldn't help but smile. There was a folded up paper and I opened it up.

My dearest Joe
I know we haven't talked in ages, I've sort of cut alot of people off, I've gone off the grid! but I'm here in London! Blue and I are here for a project and I would love if his favorite person was there to celebrate with us. I would of texted or called you but ya know, off the grid means I'm on a no social media or phone type of thing. I really do hope you make it, we have so much catching up to do.
- y/n

I let out a sigh, a relived one. I don't understand why she went off the grid but not tell anyone, or maybe it was just me. I looked at the date and noticed that it was tomorrow evening. I wonder if I'm the only person invited, maybe he's gonna be there. Or maybe it's just us. Maybe she's gonna tell me how she feels, and that's why she's invited me. I let all these thoughts run through my head.

I decided to get ready and go out and get him a small gift and even looked for one for her. I went through the mall and stopped by some jewelry shops. I went to a few pet shops and got him a few things.

After I went home I placed things in their gift bags and went to my room to find what to wear. I looked through so many shirts and pants and tried to remember the ones she liked the most.

"Why am I trying so hard" I told myself and sat on my bed. I looked around at the mess I created and sighed. I pushed all the clothes off my bed and tried to fall asleep. But the thought of her kept me awake.

I have fallen so deep in love for this girl. The thought of her and Chris made me sick, the pictures of them, the articles and Jesus the fucking edits.

It's never fair for me. I kept rolling around and closing my eyes hoping. Just hoping for any type of sleep.

"Every time you roll around you pull the blanket from me" she smiled I rolled over and smiled at the sight of her.

"You're not real" I mumbled "just a figment of my imagination" I told myself. She placed he hands on my chest and kissed me softly, I wrapped an around around her waist and brought her closer to me. She wasn't real but it all felt so real.

"Do you wish to have told me sooner" she says against my lips, they were so soft and plump. The way she was looking up at me nearly made me melt. "I wish you could of said something"

"Me too" I pushed her hair back and kissed her forehead.

"Are you gonna wake up now" she asked running a hand through my hair "I don't want you to wake up"

"I don't want to either" suddenly a beeping was going off and my eyes were open. I sat up and looked around at the mess and at the empty spot next to me. I bit my lip and decided to get ready for the day.

I decided to go in some nice jeans and the sweater she had bought me when were on set. I sighed and made sure I had everything. The feeling of seeing her has brought me so many mixed emotions and I didn't know how to handle it.

Was she inviting me suddenly for a reason? Did she want to tell me how her and Chris are in person, she only thinks of me as a friend so it obviously has to be that.

I made my way into my car and placed everything inside. I looked over and double checked to see if I was missing anything.

I wanted everything to be perfect for her, I wanted to be perfect for her.

I really just want to be with her.

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