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After my big fight scene we filmed a small scene on the side so the others won't see

she looked through the paperwork and raised her eyebrows "Hawkins" she mumbled. Finding files on quite a few people and the following events that happened in their town, she knew that this was the mission they were sending her on. "Powers? This is ridiculous" she scoffed "but a job is a job"

"And cut! Let's get y/n changed so we can meet up with the cast outside and start filming our outdoor shots" they yelled. I walked back to my trailer and got dressed. Everyone one was on the set of the high school and I just needed to change. Walking back, I really loved my outfit, it wasn't bright colors, more mellow and calm but made me look cute.

Walking onto set everyone was getting touch ups and setting up the extras. Shawn came by and told me where I was coming into how he wants me to stand so it looked good on the camera. Filming the scenes and Joseph and I flirting whenever we could, today was a successful day.

I sat in Joseph trailer since his scene with Grace was still being filmed. I laid on the small couch in my sweats and hoodie while playing games on my phone.

"That was so cool" I looked up and smiled seeing Joseph, he sat down as they started cleaning him up and taking the extensions out. "What'd you think about today?" He said glancing at me

"It was fun! I loved Dustin little improve when he was stuttering and just staring so hard at me" I laughed

"I couldn't help but blush at your little flirts" he said covering his heart and sighed

"What? Me a flirt? Never that" I smirked

"Okay yea sure little miss 'I like your hair' while playing with my hair and getting all close to me" he laughed. I gasped and sat up "fine I won't flirt with you then"

"Ha! You admit it!" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and sat besides him as they finished taking the extensions out.

"Alright you're good to go" she smiled as she wiped his cheek.

"Ready my lady?" He held his hand out for me and I smiled as I took it and walked out the trailer with him. We walked down to ours cars where everyone else was and made small talk.

There was talks of eating out and just chilling at one persons place. I laid my head on Joseph shoulder and sort of zoned out. I loved being in some type of contact with him, weather it be holding hands, our knees touching, the hugs he constantly gives me that turns into him holding my side. The arm around my shoulder so I can lay my head on his shoulder or even his chest. The way he would sometimes hold my finger finger and sometimes intertwine our hands

He really was my comfort person.

"Ya know, there's this really good restaurant that I think we'd all love!" Noah smiled

"I'm sort of tired, plus my thighs are sort of bruised from the stunts I had to film today" I mumbled

"No way I wanna see" Gaten smiled, I pulled away from Joseph and pulled my sweats down, don't worry I had spandex on. I turned and showed them all the bruises that started to form. Everyone took their turn looking and poking them making me laugh and hit them playfully.

"Okay that's enough you're gonna make the bruisers linger around longer" Joseph said as he pulled my sweats up for me. I laughed softly and rubbed his shoulder and looked at everyone

"But yeah I'm gonna sleep, I'll see you all later" I smiled giving some of them hugs and waving bye. Walking to my car I heard footsteps behind me, I suddenly stop and turned seeing Finn. "Hey? Wanna walk together?" I laughed

"Um yeah, I also had a question for you" he says walking besides me. I raise my eyebrows and nodded for him to continue "well, I just wanted to ask when you're free? Like for a date" he said making my eyes go wide "no! Not for me no!" He quickly added "I have a friend who thinks you're attractive and they're wondering if you'd date them, or go on a date with them, I'm really bad at being a wing man"

I laughed softly and shook my head "can I know who it is?" I asked with curiosity, the thought of someone wanting to be with me or even interested in me at all was very surprising.

"No you cannot" he laughed. I shook my head as I got to my car and nodded no. "Then I would have to say no, I can't be going around dating strangers Finn! Cmon now" I smiled and bumped into him playfully "nice chat, well get home safe" I said and hugged him as I got into my car.

I was driven back to my place and watched all the stories as everyone was out. I was getting fomo but I was more drained then anything

Showering and laying in bed I scrolled through my phone and sighed seeing everyone going out and being out. I went through apps and usually I get an article about me here and there but for some reason tonight I got so many. More then usual and they were all so negative. I turned it off and set it to the side and rolled over in my bed. I laid there as my tv had Cartoon Network playing.

I couldn't sleep and I didn't know why. My mind was flooded with so many things. Right after stranger things I still had Moonknight and Kenobi to finish filming, luckily my roles weren't that big so I wouldn't spend that much time on it.

So much flooded my brain, I got these roles because I did it right? Not because I knew Timmy and Tom and Z. Not because Pedro was my mentor, not because of Jarrod looks, which is a theory a lot of people tend to think. I sat up and wiped my face as tears were coming down. I didn't even know that I was crying.

I hate when I cry.

"Hey honey! I know you're probably asleep but- hey why are you crying" I looked up seeing jarrod. He sat next to me on the bed and opened his arms. I immediately fell into his chest and sobbed. I explained how my anxiety and overthinking got me to this point. I just wanted to be held and be told it was okay but I didn't want to ask. I hate being a bother.

I continued crying into his arms and just started thinking about everything once again.

Why does it feel like the world hates me right now.

ꜰᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ | 𝗝𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗵 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now