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Jarrod ended up sleeping over with me in case I had a server panic attack. Which luckily I didn't. He didn't push on to why I was crying and just helped me get ready for the day. Instead of getting picked up he drove us to set.

"For your own good, I just think that we should have a you day. I know you like to hang out with others and do stuff on the side but your mind isn't in the right place" he tells me making me nod softly. I looked down at my hands and slightly picked at my nails. I closed my eyes and laid my head back. "But it's your choice at the end of the day, it's what you want" he added.

"No I think will, I just need some time to myself" I whispered and looked up at him with a small nod.

Joseph POV

I eagerly walked over to y/n trailer and opened the door. Well tried, I raised my eyebrows seeing that it was locked. I knock on the door and stepped back as Cat, her stylist , opened the door.

"Oh hey Joseph? How can I help you?" She asked

"Not much, you know just my daily bothering y/n" I laughed as I tried to step in and she closed the door a bit

"Y/n isn't feeling the greatest right now and just wants alone time" she tells me. A small frown falls upon my face and I take a step back.

"Well can I at least talk to her for a bit" I asked

"You can see her on set" she smiled and shut the door making me stumble back. I sighed and looked around trying to find someone.

"Hey jarrod!" I yelled walking over to him. He was talking to someone and raised his hand.

"What's up!" He smiled

"Hey! What's wrong with y/n. Her trailer door is locked, which she never does, and Cat didn't let me in" I laughed, it didn't seem right at all, it had to be a joke.

"Oh yeah, yeah you see y/n isn't feeling the best today" he shrugged "she wants to be alone and the only time she'll surround herself with people is when she's filming, but do not worry y/n is an amazing actor, you won't have to worry about the whole chemistry being off" he smiled patting my shoulder. "Also, do me a favor and stay away from her"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snapped grabbing his hand

"Your agent and I had a chat. Yeah he's a whole weirdo" he laughed "if I find out what you two are planning is true, I'll ruin you in a second and make sure you never get booked for anything again" he smiled. I let go of his hand and took a step back "so, like I said. Stay away from her" he said and walked towards y/n trailer. I took a deep breath and looked around to see if anybody saw that.

"What was that about" I jumped suddenly and saw Noah next to me with a mouth full of cereal. "I watched from my window" he motioned "also what's up with y/n she always has the good muffins in her room but they didn't let me in. Now I'm eating fruity pebbles and don't get me wrong they're good but they get so soggy" he ranted. I looked at him and laughed softly and shook my head.

I looked up seeing her come out her trailer. When I usually see y/n she has this big smile on her face.  She has the vibe to her that makes everyone smile and feel safe. She makes me feel safe.

She walked with her agent to the set and they talked about something. I sighed and walked to set with Noah. Her makeup was getting touched up as Shawn was giving a brief on what we were filming today.

"we are getting messy! This is when our teen group heads into the upside down and like I said I want a little improve! We will always be shooting" he yelled. I looked over at y/n as Shawn talked to her privately

"Yeah, keery knows so you'll be good you're not left in the dark" I heard walking up. They both looked up and smiled "what's up Joseph? Any questions?"

"Yeah no, I was just saying hi to y/n" I said looking at her. She smiled softly and nodded at me. We walked into the woods and I looked over at her "are you okay"

"Yeah, I'm just out of it" she said, I placed my hand on her arm and pulled her into a hug. She let out a sigh and hugged me tightly and relaxed into my arms. "Cmon let's get filmin" she mumbled and pulled me along with her. We were in the woods filming some of the shed scenes.

We got as many scenes as we could in the shed and in the surrounding area, they sort of wanted to film it and get it over with since Finn Millie and Noah were leaving to California tomorrow for their scenes over there. They were just around because they wanted to be.

Gotta love their friendship

I was really excited to sort of have an improve scene tonight, I always loved it but Shawn and y/n conversation caught me off guard.

Once it got dark we were at the pier before going onto the boat.

"Okay this is where I want the improv scene to be! Alright let's get going!"

The small group stood there debating how to get to the gate.
"So when he has his victims killed it's a gate opening" J mumbled "so when the demogorgons kill someone does that open a gate?"
"How do you know about those" Steve said looking at her. "You know J I didn't really trust you from the start and I really want to but now you're throwing me off, how'd you know about that!" He yelled as he picked up a paddle
"Hey! Back off" Eddie yelled standing in front of her and placed a hand on her waist
"J how do you know this" Nancy said. She took a deep breath looked around. The younger teens gave her a concerned look and stood by Steve
"Cmon guys, it's J, why are we doing this" he mumbled and looked back her. Her eyes were watery and she shook her head.
"Promise you won't leave me or hurt me if I tell you" she cried
"I would never hurt you, I care for you J" Eddie told her "I will always be here for you" he assured her.
"I'm a spy, just like your friend eleven, at a young age I was trained to kill and do multiple missions. Weeks before I came to Hawkins I was sent to find the information on you and on el and kill her" at the sound of me killed here Steve raise the paddle
"HEY HEY SHES NOT DONE" Eddie yelled raising his hands "plus didn't you hear her, she was trained to kill she could take us all out" he laughed nervously
"I really can but that's besides the point! After everything I've seen and been through with you guys I don't want to kill her! I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. Being with you guys made me realize that I have so much more to live for"
"Why weren't you honest with us from the beginning" Max said with a frown.
"Because I was afraid that they would hurt you" Steve placed the paddle down and walked over to her and hugged her tightly.
"Well it's nice to have a secret spy agent on our team" Lucas said with a smile
"And a hot one" Dustin smiled making Robin smack his arm
"You guys aren't gonna kill me or turn me in" she mumbled into Steve chest.
"Not as long as you don't kill us and help us kill this thing"

"And cut"

"Y/n was a spy! No way" Sadie said, they briefly told em about her character and I smiled at y/n

"Look at you, so protective of J" she smiled

"So protective over you" I assured her. I grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. She blushed and pulled her hand away.

"Ready to jump into some water?" She smirked

"With you? Anytime" I smiled

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