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A week passed by and I've mainly been keeping to myself. I usually talk to Sadie a lot but because of the different scenes to film they had their own schedule and was separated. I didn't really go out of my way to see her because I've just been in a mood but she texted me saying she really wanted to see blue, so I decided to take him to her.

Blue and I were walking down to the other set to see Sadie since she's been wanting to see him. "Look at him! Ugh what a baby!" I heard her yell. I laughed as blue ran to her and gave her kisses as she picked him up. They had just finished filming their last scene of the day and we were gonna grab dinner together. "He is so cute y/n I'm gonna be the best aunt ever! Ugh Millie and Noah are gonna be so jealous" she said as she took pictures. I think she started sending them since I was getting a call from Noah.

I laughed as I ignored it and walked back with Sadie to our trailers. On the way I sort of explained everything that happened

"We're separated for what six? Seven days? And this is what happens" she chuckled "what he said was wrong, but the whole being jealous thing, y/n I think he likes you" she smirked I shook my head no and laughed

"Joe and I are good friends, I'm sure if he did he would of made a move all those times we hung out together alone" I explained "yeah we're close but that's doesn't always mean that the two people like each other" I sighed "even though you notice every thing about him. The way he places his hands around you when you have hugs, and always gives a squeeze before you pull away, or the way always massages your head after a long day and always and I mean always gets your pizza order right" I laughed "the way he tends to cover his mouth when he laughs because for some reason he doesn't like people looking at his mouth when he laughs, but no one's gonna focus on his mouth when his laugh is already so nice, and ugh the way his hands, the way that they're just there" I smiled

"And you don't like him?"

"No he's my best friend"

"I thought you hated him?"

"I do! Well strongly dislike him for what he said"

"Y/n. I think you do. And if you don't then you're weird"

"Sadie, shut up" I laughed pushing her playfully.

Joseph pov

"Do you think she'll like em?" I asked Gaten as I set the flowers in her trailer.

"I think she will! Y/n was kind enough to forgive you for what you said, so I'm sure she'll appreciate them a lot" he explained "do you, I don't know, like her" he smiled as we left her trailer. My eyes widened and I looked at him and shook my head.

"No? No. Y/n and i are just really good friends" I told him

"So that's why you went on a 20 minute rant to me about how you felt about her and Keery getting close even though you clearly know he's in a relationship and that him and y/n have more of a brother sister dynamic" he smirked "I'm just saying, I get what jealousy is. The way you spoke to her and what you brought up, Joe you know you would never say that to her. Let alone bring that stuff up, but it wasn't you saying all that it was jealous loser Joe"

"Did you call me a loser?"

"Besides the point, you are not you when you're upset. You care about y/n a lot. Like her or not, you know she means the world to you" he assured me

I couldn't help but smile just thinking about her. Did I like her? I like her but do I like like her?

I like the way she raise eyebrows at almost everything. The way she makes faces at peoples comments without even knowing. How she smiles at everything and is so loving to anyone she meets. How grateful she is, the way she's open to take any challenge. How she knows basically my go to orders at ever place we've eaten at. The way she lays her head on my chest, how she holds my hands and constantly measures our hand sizes. The way she tries to mimic me and does her horrible British accent.


"Hello earth to Joe" I snapped out of it and saw Gaten waving his hand in front of me. "Look, she's going to her trailer" I watched from the distance and waited for a reaction.

Was she gonna hate them or love em. It felt like forever till she opened her door and looked around

"Ah shit! Blue no! Come back here" She said as he ran out. He looked around the area quickly and started running towards me. I scooped him up as laughed as he licked my face.

"She's coming over so this is where I leave" Gaten whispered and walked away laughing. I looked up from blue and smiled seeing her. She gave me a look then looked down at blue and started  petting him

"Thank you for the flowers" she said

"Anything for you, I just want you to know that I really do adore you and our friendship. The next two weeks are our last weeks of filming and I don't want you to be upset at me during that time. I want us to be happy and be the best of friends like we always are" I told her. "Y/n, I really care about you and I want to be there for you"

"Shut up" she smiled "I know how much I mean to you, I mean look at me! Who wouldn't" she joked. Hearing those words come out of her mouth brought comfort to me. "I really did miss hanging out with you too, I mean this week was fun because of blue but it wasn't the same without you"

"Mine was lame, plus seeing everyone play with blue, ugh heart broken"

"Even then, look at him. He loves you" I smiled at her words and looked down at blue who asleep in my arms "I think he likes you"

I like you

"Yeah, maybe he does" I whispered

"Well, Sadie and I are gonna grab dinner. Grab something to eat and meet me at my place" she smiled grabbing blue

"Of course, can't wait" I smiled seeing her walk away and couldn't help but admire her as she walked away.

"I want her" I told myself  "I want her bad"

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