thirty two

637 22 1

"Do I look stupid? Is the dress tight? What if someone objects? What if he doesn't love me anymore" I rambled and continued pacing around in the room

"Y/n if you keep pacing like that you're gonna trip" Zendaya said, I turned to her and took a step and almost fell but Sadie caught me. "He wouldn't have asked you to marry him if he didn't love you" she laughed walking over and fixing my dress. "You're overthinking everything" she mumbled

"He loves you y/n, more then words can describe" Sadie said tucking a loose hair.

"It's just with everything, the show blowing up and him just getting so much attention. More then ever, I'm letting everything get to me"

"Yeah you do have a tendency to do that" I turned to the sound of the voice and smiled seeing Jarod. I walked up to him and engulfed him in a hug "you look amazing" he whispered "are you ready?" He asked holding his hand out.

My whole life my parents have disapproved of what I chose for my career and have gone out of their way to not be involved with me at all. Jarod has always been there since day one and I couldn't imagine anyone else walking me down the isle.

Our wedding is small but elegant. No bridesmaids or groom men's. It was just us and only us and I wouldn't want it any way. There was so many thoughts and I didn't know how to handle it all.

Before walking down the hall Timothee came down to the room and smiled seeing me, he basically ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug

"You look amazing" he smiled "ugh I feel like I'm gonna cry" he laughed and wiped the tears falling from his eyes. I looked up to prevent the tears from falling and we laughed together. We talked for a bit before the wedding planner came over.

"We're ready, y/n, are you?" She asked. I nodded and looked at Jarrod as he came over and held my hand.


"Yes" I smiled

"y/n, y/n l/n" i held my hand out. He looked at my hand and shook it slightly

"Joseph, Joseph Quinn" he said "I think I'm gonna have a fun time working with you" he smiled

The doors opened and my breathe hitched seeing him there. Everyone stood up and I smiled as (your dream walking down the isle song) plays. Jarrod gently took my arm and we walked down the isle.

"I'm so glad you're my boyfriend"

"I'm so glad you're my girlfriend"

Walking up the steps I handed my flowers to jarrod and took Joseph's hands. Tears falling down his face he smiled so big.

"My god you look so danm beautiful" he made me smile so big and he rubbed my hands and intertwined our fingers.

Walking down the trail I sighed and sat on the ground. "The love of my life, please get up we are almost done with the trail" Joseph said holding his hand out
"Babeeee, I am exhausted and I want to be in my bed"
"You mean you nagged me for MONTHS to go on this trail and now that we're on it you don't wanna finish it" he laughed and came by and sat down next to me.
"With all due respect babe it looked so much prettier and easier online" I smiled. He laughed and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and felt so happy.
"Cmon my love, we are so close to the finish line" he helped me up and held my hand as we finished the trail. As we got closer we noticed small fairy lights and flowers. As we got closer we saw a small pile of flowers.
"Oh my gosh babe someone is gonna get married" I gasped
"I hate to be nosey but I kinda of want to check it out" he said making me laugh
"No way me too! Okay as long as we don't mess anything up it shouldn't be bad right?" I said making him nod. We walking towards it and I was in awe of everything. "She is so lucky look at all this, we're practically the same per-" before I could finish my sentence I noticed pictures hanging from the beaches.
It was Joe and I.
Every memory, every moment we shared together was all around me. I turn to face Joseph and there he was on the small smile of flowers with a box in his hand.
I gasped and covered my mouth as I began to cry.
"Don't cry my love"

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