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Later that night Joe took me out with some his friends. They were all so kind and beautiful people but I felt left out since they talked about so many things that I didn't know about.

I didn't want to be selfish and take Joe home and have him all for myself since I was gonna have him in LA but apart of me wanted that.

"You alright love" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Joe looking at me. His cheeks were flushed and he had this beautiful smile, he was definitely drunk. The way his eyes weren't fully open but he was sort of aware of his surroundings.

"I'm good my love, having fun?" I said with a smile and caressed his cheek. He hummed and kissed my palm.

"The best time ever! You sure you don't wanna drink, this is like the best place ever" he said. His words were dragged a bit but I didn't mind. It was cute. He rested his head on my shoulder as he continued talking to his friends. I scrolled through my phone or played games while they talked. I didn't want to put myself in conversations but after them attempting to hook them up with certain celebrities or get them roles I was annoyed. I know it was the alcohol and not them but I just felt off about it.

"I have an idea! Let's go to the beach!" One his friends shouted. They all yelled a yes and the table was getting up. I looked over at Joe who was smiling like a child

"The beach! That's so nice cmon love" he grabbed my hand and I followed them out. "My friend mark is going to meet us there! You'll love him he's so cool" he said into my ear as we walked out. I nodded to his words and followed the small group. We went and in a cab and Joe poorly explained the place that we were going, luckily the cab just caught on to where the other cabs were going.

After 20 minutes or so we finally got to the beach. I've always loved the beaches, something about them is just so calm. I walked out with Joe holding my hand and paid the cab.

I took my heels off and he held them as we ran down with everyone else. Everybody was just laughing and smiling. I fixed my dress and sat down, looking up at Joe with my heals and purse in one hand a drink in another, I couldn't help but think of how lucky I got.

"Hey babe, so we're gonna go for a swim! But you're more then welcome to join us!" He smiled and kissed my head, I laughed and watched as him and some of his friends ran into the water.

"They're absolutely mad" I looked up and laughed "I'm mark, you're y/n I know creepy but you're just like a big face"

"Are you saying I have a big head" I gasped making him laugh and nod no as he sat next to me. "I guess it's nice that people know my face. I mean I sort of know yours. Joe did say he has a friend named mark but I didn't know it was Mark McKenna"

"What? You know me? I feel honored" he says "how long have you and Joe been together?"

"Mmmm I can't say, I wanna say 2 weeks?" I said as I started thinking about it.

"Finn did a horrible job" he said making me raise my eyebrows "Finn and I met at a festival, he was cool and we got along since so many people said we look alike, I just think it's the pale skin and black hair" he said making us laugh "but when it was announced that you were on the cast I asked him to be a wing man and he did horrible" he mumbled

"Oh wow, yeah no he did a horrible job" I laughed "like he wasn't even cool about, he didn't give me a name or a face"

"Well I'm glad he did a horrible job because you and Joe are together and this is the happiest I've seen him" he said making me

"How'd you two meet?" I asked as I turned towards him

"We were sort of extras in overlord? We had lines but ya know we died so yeah" he laughed. We talked for a while, many others were in their own conversations or swimming in the water. It felt nice to finally talk to someone that wasn't super drunk. "You didn't drink tonight?"

"No, I don't really drink. I'll have like wine and stuff but I don't like getting drunk" I explained. He nodded and we looked up seeing Joe come back. He finished another bottle and was soaked.

"Joe come back" I looked behind him and raised my eyebrows seeing a girl. She was in her undergarments.

"Oh boy" mark mumbled looking over at me "your face, it shows it all" he said

"Yeah, Joe says I make faces without even knowing I make em" I mumbled with a small laugh. Joe ignored her and sat next to me and laid in my lap. I smiled and pushed back his wet  hair and sighed. He was soaked but he was having a fun time and that's all that mattered to me.

"Ready my love" I asked him, he mumbled a yeah and I helped him get up. We walked off the beach and I called for a taxi. He was laying his head in my shoulder and kissing me every now and then.

"I can't believe we're together" he mumbled as we were waiting for one. "Like I can't believe it worked"

"Why do you say that?" I asked kissing his head. We sat on the bench and held his hands

"Funny story, seriously so ya know my agent, he pitched that I should hook up with you and shit to get my name in headlines, cus ya know you're always for some reason the talk of the town" he laughed. My smile faded and looked down at my hands then back at him "so that's why we got so close and blah blah blah but! But we got together! Way better then a hookup!"

I felt tears in my eyes and slowly let go oh his hand. I let out a small laugh and rubbed my face

"You're messing with me right? Like seriously Joe. That's not funny" I said. He wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck and shoulders

"No I'm not, that's why jarrod doesn't like me because my agent wanted to do it soooo bad so he talked to yours and Jarrod was like no, almost punched him and shit" he laughed

"Joseph seriously this isn't funny" I said with a stern voice.

"I'm not joking y/n! Seriously but I mean I really did fall for you" he hummed and kissed me. I pushed him away and frowned

"You only got close to me because you wanted to get attention" I whispered

"Yup! Look our taxi!" He grinned and stood up. I walked with him to the taxi and opened the door for him. "You're not coming" he frowned as he cupped my face

"I just remembered some stuff, I'll meet you later" I have the driver Joes address and felt my chest become heaving thinking about this.

He's just drunk, he's not speaking right. I pulled my phone out from my purse and dialed a number.


"Jarrod. We need to talk, and we need to talk now"

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