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AN! I've been updating this story so much I've totally ignored my Eddie x reader story ANYWAYS thank you all for the votes and comments they mean the world to me! Before I start here's a cute pic of joe!

AN! I've been updating this story so much I've totally ignored my Eddie x reader story ANYWAYS thank you all for the votes and comments they mean the world to me! Before I start here's a cute pic of joe!

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To the story!

"Okay, Pedro come up a bit and y/n adjust yourself" the photographer said. I nodded and stood besides him. They continued taking promo pictures and had us constantly moving.

"Are you coming over dinner? Oscar would be happy to see you" he smiled "I never see you and it would be so nice to have you for an hour or two to catch up"

"Of course I am! How could I miss out on your guys incredible cooking" I said with a smile and sarcastic tone

"You're an asshole" he said making me laugh. After we finished and they got the shots they needed, I changed out the costume. It was revealed that I would be in season two and a main character. Luckily it's just announcing and filming won't start yet.

After changing Pedro and I walked out and I screamed as paparazzi came out of no where. I put my hand on my knees as i was laughing and Pedro was laughing so hard.

"You guys scared me" I said as we walked to the car. They continued taking pictures and we got in, I took my sunglasses off and started scrolling through my phone.

"So, are you gonna tell me about this Joseph guy" he said making me smile

"No! I'm not because he's just a friend"

"Well other Joe told me about your little kiss" he smirked "didn't think you move on, especially with what happened between you and Chris" he said making me frown

"Chris and I is a past thing, plus ya know. Stuff doesn't work out and that's all there"

"You know I was really rooting for you and evans" he said

"Yeah everyone was but his fans" I mumbled. "Sometimes I feel like maybe if things we good, that we would still be together" I say looking up at Pedro.

"Yeah, I know mija, but everything happens for a reason and maybe this Joseph guy is your reason" he said, I shook my head no and looked up at him.

"Yeah but Chris really cared about me but his fans thought otherwise, we broke it off because of all the hate I was getting and the bad attention he was receiving. It was for the best"

As you know I hate what the media does and how it portrays people. Chris and I were in a long term relationship. When we finally came out to the media it was a storm. Some people were happy and supportive of us but some people were so against it. I wasn't enough for him, our age gap for some reason, even though we are grown adults. The time i spent with him was the best moments of my life. He always made me feel loved and wanted. He always assured me to never worry about the articles or the constant hate. Over time it just got worse. Nothing got better and whenever he had appearances or new projects coming out, our relationship was somehow brought up.

We called off our relationship and it was so hard. I was absolutely broken and didn't know what to do with myself. Pedro and Oscar were always there for me. Especially Pedro since it all happened when I was making appearances on the mandalorian.

"I'm just scared that getting into a relationship again will bring all that back" I told him

"And that's totally understandable, we can never control the media and what it will say or do but we can control how we want to handle it" he smiled

"I just cry! When there was that stupid rumor about me being with Joe Keery and Timothee I had a meltdown" I laughed "I don't know I feel like I'm constantly trapped and I can't find a way out"

"Well, after your little Hawaii trip maybe you will" we got to Oscar's house and got off. I smiled seeing him and his wife and gave them a hug. Going inside I grinned seeing the two kids and aawed seeing them and smiled as I sat down.

Eugene ran to me and told me all about his toys while Mads crawled over and was sitting in my lap. As Pedro and Oscar caught up I was catching up with Elvira. I told her everything and kind of just spilled it all out.

"Well do you think the reason you don't wanna go forward with Joe is because you're stuck on Chris?" She asked as Eugene kept handing her toys.

"That's what I said! I think y/n and evans should sit down and just talk about everything that's happened" Pedro said sitting down and handing me my plate. Oscar sat down next to his wife and shook his head

"No, because she'll be going backwards and not forward. I think she should ya know get with this guy when she wants to. Don't push or force it" Oscar said as he handed a plate to her. They put two small plates on the table for the kids and. They went over and started picking at it.

"Well I don't really want a relationship with this guy"

"Yet" Pedro smirked "listen, you have Thursday free, why don't you use that to talk to him, maybe you can get some closure"  he said. I sighed ate my potatoes and shrugged

"I suppose, but what if he doesn't or ya know, hates me" I said laughing softly

"Look here, he's free and will meet you for brunch"Pedro said showing me his phone. My eyes widened and I looked at him.

"Why would you do that without telling me! What if I was still thinking about it" I said and set my plate down.

"Well it's not mine, it's yours" he said handing me the phone. I looked down at the messages and bit my lip and looked up at him.

"You're gonna have fun!" Pedro smiled. I laughed softly and smiled as I looked through the messages.

What the hell am I gonna do.

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