twenty nine

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"Did you prepare a speech?" He asked as they fixed his suit.

"A speech? For what? I'm not gonna win, I was lucky enough to be nominated" I laughed as they were putting bracelets on me. "Do you think this is a lot? Like my outfit and everything" I mumbled looking at Joe who was already ready. He had a full black suit on and he placed his hands on my hips

(Without the bracelets tho like just think in your mind for a simple kind of one)

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(Without the bracelets tho like just think in your mind for a simple kind of one)

"No, you look absolutely stunning, if it were up to me I'd want us to stay here and and just kiss an-"

"Okay okay I get it" I laughed and kissed him softly. "I'm so glad you're coming with me" I whispered against his lips

"I'm so glad to be your date" he smiled "me dating the famous y/n? Who would of thought" I blushed and pushed him softly "also your boobs? Look fantastic"

"Joseph Quinn!" I turned red and sighed with a smile. After a while we walked out hand in hand and walked down the halls. Going through the hotel and facing paparazzi we finally made it to our car. Getting in he had his arm around my waist and he would often rub my hand with his thumb and kissed my shoulder. "Jarrod there, he said he'll met us inside" I mumbled looking up from my phone.

Joe was already looking at me and was smiling "what?" I panicked and opened my phone camera "did I smudge my makeup? Did something happen!"

"No no my love" he said grabbing my chin. "You just look absolutely beautiful" he whispered. I smiled and kissed him softly. His put his hand down to my waist and just as he was about to slip his tongue into my mouth the car stopped. We pulled away as the door opened and turned red. "Best get going" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked out.

Right off the bat there was camera flashing all around. I looked at Joe with a small frown and kissed my head. Looking up we saw my publicist Bri.

"Hey! So we're gonna take some photos, I really wanna get you to talk with E, YouTube and whatever else we see on the way" she told me "they are waiting for you miss y/n" she smiled and we walked down the carpet. Joe kept his arm around me the entire time and when he wasn't he was holding my hand. Taking pictures we did different poses and there was even moments where Joe stood to the side so it was just me but I insisted on him being there.

"Y/n!" I turned seeing Timothee and smiled. He came over and gave Joe and i a hug and smiled seeing my dress. After taking pics with each other we walked down where interviews were. "I'll see you guys inside" he said and kissed my cheek.

Joe held my hand as Bri took me down to our first on. He stood to the side and just waited till I was done and was always smiling.

"You know it's really un real, I would of never thought that I be here" I laughed "I'm beyond honored and just so happy to be here. Literally nothing can top this day, well except ya know getting with Joe" I laughed. After walking down I noticed a gold suit. "That's Guillermo! We have to go" I told Bri

"Okay, just for a bit!" She said.

"Y/n! Y/n! Oh my gosh you look gorgeous!" I smiled as Joseph walked up me and I grinned hugging him. "Y/n I have some questions!"

"Go ahead I'm all yours" I smiled

"You're all mine? Ahh watch out man she's mine now" he said making Joe and I laughed.

Joe wrapped his arm around my waist and I continued talking to him. He pulled out a sombrero and asked me to pick a paper out. I nudged Joe to do it and he used his other hand to do it. He opened it up and read it out loud.

"What do I do late at nights?" He read out loud "y/n" he smirked and put the paper back in the sombrero. My jaw dropped and Guillermo and I started laughing

"Can I get in on that?" Guillermo asked making us laugh. Joe laughed and kissed my check and we thanked him and walked inside. It was beautiful and I was sort of star struck from the people that would be sitting around us. Luckily we were sitting in an area where my friends were. There was Timothee, Andrew, Zendaya, her designer and of course jarrod. They all stood up and gave me a hug and congratulated me on my nomination.

Sitting down we made small talk and the awards began. The night was filled with smiles and laughter but as we go closer I felt like I needed to vomit.

"Hey, you good?" I looked over seeing Joe and shrugged "you look like you're gonna vomit" he said with a small smile and leaned over kissing my shoulder.

"I am gonna vomit, all these amazing people winning these amazing awards, being in a room filled with so many talented people. I don't deserve to be here" I explained

"You deserve everything you have accomplished. You deserve this" he caressed my cheek and kissed me softly. I smiled and cupped his face

"I love you, so so much" I sighed

"Okay okay, break it up love birds, it's coming up" Jarrod said making Joe and I laugh. He put his arm around me and we sat back as they presented the next award.

Finally it was time. I sat up and everything was sort of moving so slow. I felt Joe hold my hand and smiled seeing Timothee.

"These group of women have brought beautiful performances to the big screen, showing and portraying emotions in the most amazing way. Here are the nominees for best actress in a leading role"

I watched the screen and smiled as Timothee said my name

"Y/f/n Stars"

"It's ridiculous! You go and profess your love for me then you hate me and I'm crazy one" she laughed softly and rubbed her face "you never appreciated me or anything I did"

The camera was on me and everyone was clapping and I blew a kiss. I was the last one and all eyes were on Timothee. He smiled and opened up the envelop.

"And the Oscar goes to, my amazing friend y/n" my jaw dropped and I turned to see Joe who embraced me in his arms. I nodded my head no and felt tears in my eyes. Suddenly everyone was standing up and clapping for me, Joe helped me up and walked me halfway to the stage where Timothee took my hand and walked me to the stage. He gave me the Oscar and my eyes widened because of the weight.

"Um first off Woah what the heck! Thank you so much. Second to all the other nominees you all are so talented truly I can't believe this" I cried "I didn't prepare a speech because no way did I think this would happen but I wanna thank my team, I want to thank Jonathan and Chris Evans for choosing me to work on this film for trusting me with this character and just oh my gosh" I cried "thank you to Jarrod for being there for me and everything I literally could not of done any of this with you, you're my everything and Joe. My love thank you for being there for me and supporting me, and thank you to the stranger things cast for being so amazing and giving me the most amazing people in my life. Because of them they all are such a motivation for me, oh shit the music is playing , thank you to the academy and thank you guys!" I smiled and turned and hugged Timothee. We walked to the back where there was a bit of paparazzi taking pictures, Tim and I took some and then they took some of me at the bar as they put my name on the award.

I walked back to my area after and smiled hugging everyone tightly, Joe kissed me passionately and kissed my cheek over and over again.

"So proud of you" he whispered against my lips. "I love you so much"

"I love you too" I smiled

AN HEYY SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED SO HERES A GOOD NICE HAPPY CHAPTER OF THEM I LOVE YOU GUYS! Also if you don't who Guillermo is here his video from this year Oscar he's so funny !

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