Meeting Georgia

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Rose pov

Different. It's not a word I take pride in. I don't want to live like everyone else with their perfect little families and their religious beliefs. I want to be me and yet, being someone else seems so much easier. Everyone is different. But when I walk outside, I see a world that's black and white; colours hidden in everyone's soul. I can guarantee that someone on the street thinks differently about the bible than their fellow peer. Yet, they won't show it. And I am certain that one man would prefer happier and brighter clothing, but he hides all his thoughts deep inside his head from fear of being judged.

Well, my family is always being judged. You think that because I'm a shelby, everyone loves me? Believe me, its quite the opposite. I see the terrified faces of mothers ushering their young children away as I walk down the street. And I hear the cries of babies as my brothers look towards them. We are very much hated, but no one had the courage to say something. No one stands up for their families on pain of death for my brothers have never been the forgiving type.

As I walk into the classroom, I can almost smell the hatred the other children have for me. Don't get me wrong, I have friends. We tease one another and they treat me normal. But very few people can see that I don't want to harm anyone and if i had it my way, my brothers would live ordinary, honest lives. I suppose that's what makes them different from everyone else. They aren't afraid of the law, they aren't afraid of other men and most importantly, they aren't afraid of death. The only person who seems moderately normal in my family is Ada and that's because she lives 120 miles away. I take my seat in class and the silence that I caused is soon over as children get back to their conversations

"Settle down class" Mr Clarkson says as he enters the room. We all go silent and face the board as he takes a seat at his desk

"Rose, would you close that window for me? I can feel a draft" he asked looking at me kindly. A smile etched on his face that shows generosity and loyalty

"Yes sir" I say standing from my seat and reaching for the window. As I close it, there is a knock on the door. Mr White, the headmaster walks in followed by a teenage girl and her parents. I try my best but I can't help but gawk at the girl. Her red flowy hair presses against her back nicely and her smile is nervous yet slightly adorable

"This is class CL. And this is Mr Clarkson" the headmaster introduces as Mr Clarkson shakes the hand of the parents

"This is Mr and Mrs Banks. They are just looking around to see if our school is suitable for their daughter. But we have very high standards and I have no doubt at all that miss banks will settle in nicely" the headmasters says

"Miss shelby" the headmaster says, pulling me out of my daze

"Yes sir" I say

"Show miss banks around whilst I have a meeting with her wonderful parents. I'm sure she will want to see the school properly for herself before making a decision" I smile and stand from my seat. The headmaster gives me a look as I walk out the classroom with the door. It was a look that told me he wanted me to make the school look good. You see, when I first came to this school, everytime the teachers saw my name on the register, they would huff and curse the Lord. My brothers never had a good reputation in school. But I get the best grades, im friendly with all the teachers and pupils. And despite me not being one for rules or social standards, I'm good at knowing what to say

"I'm Rose shelby" I say as me and the girl walk through the hall

"Georgia banks" she said smiling nervously at me, tugging on her cardigan sleeve

"You don't need to look so nervous. I don't bite" I chuckle making her laugh slightly

"Sorry. I've just never been the new girl before. I already know I'm coming this school so I really don't know why my parents are looking around. We havnt got much of a choice" she says

"How come?" I asked

"My dad's job has transfered him. And this is the only decent school for miles" she explains

"Well I'm glad you're staying. I can tell we are going to be best friends" I say linking her arm with mine and skipping outside to the playground. I told you I was friendly

"Atleast I know I won't be completely alone" she says as we take a seat on the bench. At the end of the day, I met Michael outside the gates. I always needed someone to walk home with me. It was a pain in the arse but I suppose that's just how my life is. Full of danger and precautions. You'd think think body guards I'd be safer. But I think it brings more attention to me. None of our enemies would know who I am unless I have a peaky blinder stood next to me

"We are getting a new kid next week" I say kicking a pebble as we walk home

"You know the rules" he says warningly

"Yes yes. No boys I got it. But she is a girl actually. Georgia banks. She's really nice. I was asked to show her around today and I think we are going to be great friends" I said

"Banks. Where have I heard that name before?" Michael muttered

"Her uncle was in the news paper a few months back. Front page news" I said

"Oh now i remember. Hung for indecency. Stupid bastard. The world's going mad" Michael said as we walked into pollys House

"I don't think he should be hung though. Not like he can help it" I sighed going into the kitchen and sitting on the kitchen surface

"Who's being hung?" Finn asked who was sitting at the table eating a packet of sweets

"The new girl in school. Her uncle was hung for being a faggot" Michael said

"Got what he deserves then" Tommy grumbled

"You're all horrible. He was killed because he loved someone" I said quietly

"Rose darling. Come here" John said. I went over and sat next to him

"Now we love you so much. And we just want you to be safe. But you can't be safe if their are people like him around. They are weird rose, unnatural. Do you understand?" John said holding my shoulders. I mumbled a reply

"Rose" he said sternly

"Yes I understand" i said louder so he could hear

"Good girl" he kissed my forehead as he stood up and left for his house. And so I sat at the table just thinking about what the fuck he meant. I don't understand how people can kill another. But killing another because of such a silly reason as love is beyond belief. So maybe I don't agree with it. Like John said, those people are weird. But....but maybe it's not completely mad

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