Pleasure (smut)

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1 year later- Sunday

Rose pov

It was so calm, so peaceful. Almost as if the entire world had come to a halt, allowing me to finally see the planets wonders for something more than the grime we get in small heath. The field of daisy's in which the picnic blanket was placed, had bees and butterfly's. A few bunnies had even been seen hopping around. A river, not far from here, flowed and its sound filling the air with tranquility. Being here, it's what makes my life worth living

"When do you go back?" Gia asked. I was lay by her side, hand in hand as we looked into eachothers eyes

"In a week" I replied glumly

"I'm not sure I can bare parting with you anymore. I spend every day missing you, and then when we finally see one another, time flies by and soon enough, you leave again. Then the cycle continues and it just hurts"

"Hey. Let's not think about it all right now. This time next year, we'll be living together in Paris. And who knows, maybe in 5 years, we'll be rich and famous artists. One can only hope" I kissed her softly and I felt the grin spread across her face. We pulled apart and gia reached into the picnic basket, taking out a small velvet box

"Now I know you can't marry me lawfully. And unfortunately, the world isn't quite ready for our love. But I've been ready for too long now and I want to be together for the rest of our lives. So will you please do me the honour of being my wife lovingly and spiritually" with a few tears rolling down my cheek, I flung my arms around her neck, causing us both to tumble down the hill and land at the bottom in a fit of giggles

"I'll take that as a yes then?" She asked beaming

"Yes. Of course I'll marry you. Georgia, I love you more than I ever thought possible" and so we went back to the country house in which gia and her mother had purchased last year, and we ran up the stairs and to her room


We pulled ourselves into eachothers warm embrace, kissing roughly, teeth clashing and lips sucking. Tonight would be a night to remember

"Your mum" I said as she began to take of my dress. Gia froze and looked at me raising an eyebrow

"Well I've never heard that as a pick up line before" she joked making me laugh, ending with me snorting

"I meant won't she hear us? Or walk in on us?"

"Shes not here tonight. Staying with a friend per my request" she replied. We pulled our dresses over our heads and unfastened on another's bras. Gia got onto the bed and lay sprawled out entangled in the sheets. I smirked before jumping on the bed also, climbing over her. Put was on all fours, my head between her legs and her head between my legs (69). I went down, kissing and sucking as her tongue roamed my insides. She was so warm and sweet. I liked a stripe along her flaps as I bucked my hips onto her face. I could feel myself needing to cum. Her moans against my pussy was the pleasure of heaven but the heat of hell. I felt gia explode beneath me as I did the same, riding our highs by rocking our hips. And then I rolled from above her

"You taste so good honey" gia said to me as I spun around and kissed her neck. We got our breath back just cuddling with eachother before she said

"Ready for round two?" My smile grew wide and I jumped from my position and sat on the bed. My elbows holding me up and my knees apart. Gia came closer. One leg was across my stomach and the other underneath my leg. With her pussy just cm from my own, I lay back and felt her hand wrap around my neck. She began thrusting her hips against me. The friction of our two dripping cunts unbelievably pleasurable. I rocked in rhythm to her. She caught my clit against her and we sped up the pace. Banging against our bodies, my toes cramping and eyes rolling to the back of my head

"I'm gonna cum" I cried out

"Cum for me darling" she told me. Me legs shook as I felt myself burst, our cum mixing together as we orgasms simulatinouesly. With a kiss on the lips, gia got off and knelt infront of me. My legs still wide apart. Her fingers brushed against me making me squirm from underneath her

"You wanna go again?" I nodded my head, unable to form any words from the pleasure as she added a finger and curled it. Gia pumped it in and out, knowing exactly where to touch. Another finger was added and then another stretching my pussy but i was used to this. And I wouldn't change it for the world. Gia added another finger and then finally her thumb. Twisting and pumping in and out of me as I bucked on her hand. Needing more but not knowing how it could possible feel any better. The pain was there still, stinging but it got better with each thrust. She knelt down closer, her tongue flicking my clit as i screamed, reaching my high

End of smut

We spent the rest of the might pleasuring one another until we saw the sun begin to rise and decides we better get some sleep. I can't believe I'm engaged to Georgia banks. What more could I possibly want?

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