Not my brother

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Rose pov

I entered Tommy's office with my head held high and prepared for a worthy fight. However it wasn't just Tommy sat there. Arthur and John had joined him and being outnumbered, I suddenly lost all confidence despite trying my best to hide it. This was it. I knew this was the conversation in which I would be cast aside like chopped liver, unloved and uncared for in this cruel place we call home. I didn't wish to have this conversation. Instead I wanted them to forget everything and carry on with their lives. Or at the least, allow me to continue my life

Tommy had a frustrated look on his face, his eyebrows scrunched as he was lost in thought until he heard me shut the door. With great hesitation, I took closer steps towards my brothers, my hands behind my back for they didn't need to see me shake with anxiety. With a deep sigh, Tommy spoke first

"So what made you do it?" It wasn't a question I knew the answer to and yet I was so certain. Me and gia loved one another, that's why we kissed. That's why we've spent the last few months devoted to the happiness of the other. Yet I wasn't sure how it all came about! I know gia kissed me during an argument. I don't know why I did anything with it. I could've ignored it, reported her, but instead I chased after her, sobbed at her feet before I found the courage inside of me to bring our lips together

"It's quite simple. I love Gia. I don't know why these feelings arose and I'm not sure why I'm different from everyone else. I wish, with everything I am, that I could force myself to like boys, to be normal. But things like that aren't in my control tommy" I answered somewhat happy with how I replied

"You and gia don't love one another. Its impossible! You are just little kids trying to be unique but instead, you've ended up looking like fucking idiots" John raised his voice at me suddenly

"You think I wanted this? You think I wanted to risk my life everyday just so I can see the woman I love. Believe me John, this is far from what I wanted" i snapped at him, my anger rising and my cool demeanour damaged

"Listen darling, we all love you so much. And we always will. But we can't accept this. It's not right rose, you have to understand. It's gia, she's got into your head, manipulated you to think it's love. But you can tell us, we'll listen and understand if she was hurting you" Arthur put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly but I shrugged him off

"Don't be ridiculous! Gia is the kindest, sweetest most incredible good willed person I've met. Which is much more than I can say for any of you. You call yourselves my brothers, spend your lives telling my how horrid boys are. You chase them away constantly. Yet I find a woman, someone I love and you still aren't happy for me. Its like you want me to die alone and depressed! Well I'm glad that I'm a lesbian I really am. Because I'll be found dead before I'm married to one of your kind. Some of you are kind, like finn, some of my teachers, Alfie, but the majority of you are pigs, and have shown me nothing other than how to be complete and utter dickheads" I screamed at my brothers and that's when it happened. Tommy's hand swiped across my face leaving a painful sting and tears to my eyes. Even John and Arthur weren't sure what to do after this moment

" just hit me" I stammered in shock. I saw the look of regret in his eyes, but Tommy shelby is a stubborn man, not one to apologise even when he knows he's in the wrong

"Well next time, know your place rose. I don't raise brats, and I certainly don't raise faggots" he said in a eerily quiet tone of voice

"You're right. Aunt pol raised me as she did with you. Atleast me finn and ada turned out alright. But you, you've turned into dad. Touch me again Tommy, I won't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes. As far as I'm concerned, you're not my brother anymore. So burn in hell" I told him before I stormed out of his office feeling brave yet so foolish.

Truth is, I needed Tommy. Just to survive i needed him. But this man, this demon isn't my brother. Not anymore. I remember when finn hit me once. It was an accident but Tommy was so angry at him

Flashback- rose is 8 years old

"Finn come on. I wanna go home" I whined as I stomped my feet. Finn was face to face with another man, I wasn't sure what had happened but I could tell a fight was brewing and I didn't want to be around to witness it

"Stay out of the way rose" he warned

"Ye. Run home little girl. Maybe come back when you've got tits. Until then, you really aren't any use to the world luv" the man said before finn punched him square in the face. He fell back but quickly got up. They were rolling around in the street, fighting one another as I stood scared and confused. I grabbed Finns arm and tried to pull him off but they resulted in having a fist flung at my eye

Finn stopped immediately to look at me but had to continue the fight since the man wouldn't let him forfit and take me home. So I ran back to pollys in tears just wanting Tommy to hold me. I ran in to see my brothers there, all faces dropping when they saw my tears

"Hey. What's wrong sweetheart?" Tommy asked as he lifted me onto his hip

"Who the fuck did that?" John stood up as he noticed a bruise forming around my eye

"F...f..finn h...hit me" I wailed. When finn got back, Tommy pinned him against a wall and yelled at him, even hit finn. But he explained it all and how bad he felt for doing it. They let him off but I remember sitting on the stairs late at night, listening to my brothers tell finn how hitting girls isn't allowed and any man who hits girls, aren't really men

End of Flashback

I suppose Tommy has changed his views now. In his head, it seems OK to hit women, even his own sister, so long as they don't have his opinions and maybe have a brain of their own. With this in mind, I ran to the only safe space I had left, ignoring the worrisome looks I recieved being a girl in winter, no coat on, no hat, just a dress, shoes and tears

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