Secrets grow

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Rose pov

As I held a crying Georgia, we talked for a while. About everything really. Her uncle. Her father. Us. The future which at this moment seems like an unnerving mist, never knowing what could jump out. Gia seeing alot happier as we spoke. We mainly focused on our 2 year plan. The plan to leave this god forsaken place and be free. Our art being the thing to guide our lives to sanity and sacredness. All we truly want is to be together, openly loving one another like it should be. Yet we must not forget the reality of it all! Me and Georgia, even in Paris, we shan't be able to love freely. We can only hide how we already feel.

It would be so simple for us to just ignore it all. To pretend we hardly know eachother, stop hanging out and make new friends. But doing that would mean letting prejudice and oppression win which I won't allow! As we lay in bed, her red fiery locks against my chest, it all became so clear. Leaving this girl would be like leaving part of my soul. Impossible to survive!

I cupped gias cheek and our lips met in an act of pure love and devotion. What I'd give to hold her like this forever. To kiss her infront of the world and declare our love to one another. To live a life where I'm not belittled for wanting to feel happy and safe in the arms of my beloved. It was as we were kissing that I heard the door open. And we broke apart. But I didn't dare look. And so i sat, staring at gia as we awaited the yelling, the slurs and the threats. As we awaited the painful reality that was my family. But it never came. The words, the slander, I heard nothing

"I came to check you're alright. But you both look good to me. Er...I'm gonna go" finn. Being his usual awkward self, it was clear he didn't know what he should do in a situation such as this. And so we helped him out. Gia and me sprung out of bed. She slammed the door and blocked him from going and I sat him on the bed

"You didn't see anything" I said

"Well that's not exactly true is it? I saw you two snogging" he said

"No Finn! No! Please. You have to pretend it didn't happen. You can't tell anyone" I begged

"But polly-"

"Finn! I love you to bits but by god are you dumb! The more people who know, the greater risk there is. Even people like polly, who would love us no matter what. If we do ever get caught by the feds, she'll get into trouble. So you can't tell her. And you certainly can't tell Tommy" gia whisper yelled not wanting anyone else to hear

"OK. I won't tell anyone. As long as you answer some questions" me and gia shared a look before agreeing to it. And so we both sat on the bed as finn stood to give himself some much needed superiority

"How long?" He asked

"A little over a month. However we've liked one another since day one" gia answered making me blush

"And does anyone else know?"

"Only our teacher Mr Clarkson. He walked in on us in the art room" I replied sheepishly, embarrassed that we've let ourselves be caught. Finn knelt down and held our hands

"Girls, I know the laws are stupid. But you have to be more careful. Anyone could've walked in then. And yes I should've knock I admit. But coppers don't always knock. I can't lose you. Neither of you. So please, for me and the life of Mr Clarkson, lock the doors, close the curtains and never ever do anything outside of this room. Do you understand? No pinching kisses sneakily or holding hands! I can't risk losing you" he said as he kissed our hands and then our foreheads. I've never felt so awful in all my life. How could we be so daft as to forget the feelings of those we love?

"We promise to do better. And we're sorry. Truly" I said

"You have to choose your own path. Don't follow the road made by others" he told us softly

"Thank you finn. For understanding" gia said smiling at him kindly

"Oh no. Don't think you can suck up to me" he said suddenly changing character

"Finn!" I exclaimed

"What are your intentions with my sister?" He asked as I giggled at his protectiveness. Gia simply sat wide eyed

" make her happy and keep her safe sir" she gulped

"Hmmm. Yes well, that's my baby sister. You break her heart, I break your face" finn threatened before walking out. I let out a burst of laughter and gia let out a sigh of relief

"Almost shit meself" she choked as I continued my overjoyed smile

"Aww. He's a big softy really. And I'm glad he did that. He's treating you like he would anyone else. Finns a good brother. A good man" I said tucking her hair behind her ear

"He's a gem" she replied

"Hey! Don't you go crushing on my brother now" I nudged her playfully

"Oh please! We both know you're the hottest out of all the shelby family" gia said kissing me passionately

"Now. I am bloody knackered. Let's get some sleep!" She said jumping into bed as I joined her.

That night, I couldn't help but worry. Four people are aware of the romantic predicament that unfolds within these walls. Me, gia, Mr Clarkson, and now finn. I love and trust my brother more than anything. But the thought of them torturing him for answers, stringing him up all because he didn't rat out his little sister. It pains me to know that he is now in danger. Every second of his life is another moment when he could be beaten to death in the street by coppers, all because I didn't lock the door. I just have to pray that never happens. Although I somehow doubt God is on my side

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