Mr Clarkson

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Mr Clarkson pov

I went home that evening scared and confused. These girls, these innocent minds can't show their true selves for fear of being murdered. It breaks my heart to know that our government can win wars, destroy our enemies, but can't allow us to love whoever we desire. Why are we still acting like we are from the middle ages? Surely we should be an advanced civilisation, with love and peace. Not hatred and war!

I entered my home feeling melancholy and downhearted. The sight of my wife Jackie gives me some reassurance that maybe these girls would be OK. Maybe they could truly live happy and long lives surrounded by love

"Hello Ben dear" Jackie greets from the kitchen

"Evening" I say

"That's not a very happy evening. Something the matter?" She asks as I take a seat at the table with my head in my hands

"I walked in on two of my students kissing today. Two girls. It just hurts knowing these lovely human beings will either be killed or forced to hide themselves when horrid and putrid people can walk freely because their crimes of abuse aren't as bad as loving the same sex" and with that I broke down in anger. Smashed a glass on the floor and then burst into floods of tears

"Oh darling" Jackie sighed as she wrapped her arms around me and held me like a mother holds her hurting children. I pull myself together and go to wash my face of any excess tears. As I do that, the door opens and I can hear Robert and Samantha come in. I rush downstairs with a small smile on my face

"Hello my love" I say bringing Robert in for a soft kiss. I try to be happy but it's so hard with the current circumstance

"How are you Sammy?" I ask

"Good thank you. And yourself?"

"I'm good thanks" I lie

"No he's not. Tea won't be long. Everyone sit down and ill make us all a cup of tea" Jackie says. She always was the mother in our friendship. Even in our school days. You see, Jackie is my wife. And I love her. But she's simply a friend. And Sammy is her girlfriend. My boyfriend is bobbie (robert) but he's married to Sammy. Two married couples. Two romantic relationships. 0 romantic marriages. But it's the best we are gonna get in this life

"What's happened?" Sammy asks as we take a seat at the table

"I saw two girls from my class kissing one another today. Now I can't stop thinking about the poor lives they are gonna have in hiding of their true feelings, pretending they are something they aren't. Wearing a disguise their entire lives. Breaks my heart" I said sadly as Jackie hands us all some cups of tea

"I know its devastating Ben. But I'm afraid that's just the world. We will never be excepted, atleast not in our lifetime or theirs. But maybe future generations will be able to love whoever they please. We just have to make sure that we give them hope. Nothing will change if we don't fight for it" Sammy says reaching for my hand

"I just wish I could do more for them. I protect each and everyone of my students like my own children, but now I fear I can't protect them"

"Ben, you have to trust them. I know its hard not to worry, and their lives won't be easy, but they can do this. I'm sure of it. We did it, so can they" Jackie cried

"I suppose you're right. We got lucky didn't we?" I ask

"We certainly did. We trusted the right people with our secret, that's for sure" Bobbie says

"So who are the girls?" Jackie asks taking a seat

"Georgia banks and Rose shelby" I answer

"A shelby? Oh the poor girl. The coppers are always on her tale. You can see them eyeing her constantly, just waiting to catch her stealing. But she's a gooden. They've never found anything to charge her with. This is the exact type of thing they are looking for. Poor lass" Jackie says

"And its not like the shelbys are the type of people to support us" Sammy says

"You never know. They break plenty of laws. Maybe this is just another one they break" bobbie suggested

"No. Not the shelbys. They may break laws, but they know how to be classy and get on the good side of parliament. I pray for those girls. God help them if their families find out" Jackie prayed

"Atleast we know that Georgia girl has a kind family behind her. What with her uncle and all. I was with Mr banks when he heard. The man was devastated but in no means shocked. I'm sure he must've hid his brothers secret for so long" Sammy says

No ones pov

After tea, they all go to their rooms. Both couples share a house and many people think it is because of money. But it's truly just so they can swap partners and have a true relationship. Ben and bobbie lie in bed, both staring up at the ceiling, sleep being a foreign concept

"I know its hard. But we just have to trust they know how to hide it. Now they've been caught, they're bound to be more careful. Poor girls. But there isn't anything we can do for them. I think it's best we try to get some rest" bobbie kissed his boyfriends cheek and cuddled into him as they drifted off to sleep, their nightmares filled with the fear striken faces of the young women. The images of the noose in which all owners of the house have spent their lives running from. And by God's good grace, their lies won't ever catch up to them

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