Coppers knocking

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Georgia pov

I had gone round to pollys House for a sleepover like every Friday night. Its always my favourite night because we can kiss and cuddle all night without worrying with school and all that nonsense in the morning. As we finished our tea, there was a loud and demanding knock on the door. Thinking nothing of it, Arthur went and answered the door. He came back a moment later followed by a copper. Everyone sat up straighter, assuming he was here for something dodgy Tommy had done

Thats the thing with being known to the shelbys. You know that the police will forever be on your tail, just looking for you to mess up and reveal some shelby family secrets. It's never easy. When me and Rose walk down the street and see a copper, she immediately grasps my hand from fear.

I questioned her once. Asked what made her so scared. Apparently her brothers, ada and aunt pol reflexively grip her hand when they walk past the police. Incase they need to run. It was so saddening to know that's her life. Fear and unknown. And now it's mine. Never knowing when I might get a phone call from rose, or from aunt pol. Never knowing when i might receive news that someone's died. Been shot dead or hung. The everwaiting doom is what drives people to insanity

"Georgia banks?" He looked at me

"Yes" I muttered

"Mind if I ask you a few questions?" He asked

"What the fuck do you want with her? She's just a kid" John yelled

"It's not her I'm interested in. Miss banks, I'd like to know more about your father and uncle if possible. We can answer the questions here or if you refuse, at the station" he threatened. Arthur shot out of his chair and stood face to face with the madman, fists clenched ready to beat out his last breath

"Arthur! It's fine. I can answer questions. He's only wasting his own time" I managed to yell, not wanting to seem as scared as I felt. The copper took a seat and began to ask the questions

"Have your parents made you aware of the crimes your uncle committed?" He asked

"No. But I found out in the news paper. They didn't want to say anything to me incase it upset me. They said he'd died of an illness"

"Did your dad ever talk about your uncle? After his passing?"

"My uncles name hasn't been uttered in our house since the night they took him away" i answered finding it increasingly harder not to break down in tears. Lizzie was sat next to me, rubbing my arm comfortingly

"And why do you think that is? Maybe they don't think it was right. What happened to him" he tried to imply but I wouldn't fall into his trap

"My father didn't believe them at first. He never spoke of his brother because he didn't want to believe the truth. And now he doesn't dare spit his name because of how disgusted he is. How embarrassed he was when he finally believed the truth" I lied. This was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do

"You've recently moved here because of your father's job. Do you know what he does?" The man asked. And for once a question I could answer without lying

"I don't know what he does. I'm aware that it's a simple boring job that he dislikes. When he gets home he never wants to speak about it. Always says that he's spent hours in his awful office and wants to forget it exists"

"And has your father ever interfered in police affairs. Tried to do the job for us?" He asked me

"I don't know what you've got against my father but he is a good working man who knows his place in the world" I say

"Miss Banks! Your father is being watched closely by the police. I'd watch your tongue if I were you. One bad word and I could have him hung for bloody nothing" the man yelled making me flinch back on my chair. Tommy stands up and holds the man by the collar up against the wall

"Leave this fucking house! And don't you dare return. If you know whats good for you" he threatened as he kicked the man out quite literally. The second he was gone and I heard the door shut, I burst into tears. Rose and ada held me in their arms

"He won't come near you again love" Arthur said kissing my head

"I lied. On so many questions. I really didn't know the answer to anything he was asking me. Was it OK? Do you think I made things worse?" I sniffed back the tears as I choked on sobs

"You did wonderful darling. I'm sure everytime will be fine" ada said cupping my cheeks and giving me a kiss

"Why don't you girls go upstairs" polly suggested so me and rose went straight to her room. I wiped my eyes and we sat on the bed as she wrapped her arms around me and I rest on her breast

"My brothers, they won't let anything happen to your father. But just so I know, did he ever help your uncle hide who he was?" Rose asked stroking back my hair

"I think so. The police barged into our house one night. My uncle had been staying with us for a while. When they took him away, dad didn't seem surprised. And although I didn't know why at the time, I immediately knew that whatever my uncle had done, he was in on it" rose wiped my tears and kissed me

"Let's get our pyjamas on and get into bed. We'll be alot comfier" she said and so we did just that. Got dressed and into her bed as we snuggled together. She held me close, brought comfort to my heart as she kissed my temple

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