The 2 Year Plan

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Michael pov

It has been 2 months since Georgia started at the school. And everyday, she walks home with our Rose. They are very close friends, always together. Every Friday, they have a sleepover together and all night, we can just hear chatting and giggling. Does mum's head in but it's nice to see her having friends

As long as I've known rose (which granted isn't as long as I would've liked) she's never had a proper friend. She hangs around with kids and seems to have fun. But she's not had a true best friend until Georgia. Arthur had walked the girls home this Friday and they stumbled into the house laughing loudly

"Hi aunt pol" Georgia greets as mum goes and hugs the girl

"Have you both had lunch?" She asks. Mum always asks this because sometimes, rose just can't be bothered to queue up

"Yes we ate" rose rolled her eyes and they both sat at the table

"You won't believe what happened today in school" Georgia said as the two girls were trying to control their laughter from the memory

"School burnt down?" I guessed sarcastically

"Close but no. Jamie Watson and Michelle Denis got caught doing it in the toilets. They have been suspended until further notice" rose exclaimed

"Little Michelle? Really?" Arthur asked shocked

Rose pov

Michelle lived on our road all my life up. She is very good at fooling adults. Even Tommy is fooled. She seems like the perfect child every parents wants. Does chores. Wears Conservative clothing. Always wears her hair in cute little platts. But the minute she's away from the parents and neighbours, her skirt gets rolled up, her hair comes down and the lipstick goes on as she winks at random boys she sees. She's a whore and every other kid knows it. But so fucking what? She's kind to everyone and not in a patronising way. I say, let her do whatever the fuck she likes 

Me and Georgia migrated to my room and shut the door so our conversation wouldn't echo through the house. We jumped on my bed and just lay looking at the ceiling

"Poor Michelle. I can't believe she got caught. Her mums gonna have a right shock when she finds out" Georgia said

"I know. Atleast Jamie got expelled too. He's a dick so we are free of him for god knows how long" I chuckled happy to finally rid the creepy boy who starts at every girl without blinking

"Do you ever.....nevermind" Georgia started

"No tell me. I'm listening" I said sitting up on my elbow

"Do you ever look at boys and think of them as attractive?" She asks not looking me in the eyes

"I'm so glad it's not just me" I laughed making her smile

"Really? You too?" She asked happy she had someone to relate to

"Ye. I sometimes understand why others may think of them as handsome. But I never feel attracted to them" I explained. I looked down at her face. It held so many emotions, so many untouched secrets trying to escape through the surface. I saw the sadness in her eyes as we spoke of boys, and how we are different, unique. Yet her smile suggested she felt a certain happiness in not being alone, happiness in having someone to relate to. Basically everything I'm feeling as I watched her lips move

"Do you ever want children?" She asked me

"Not at all. But aunt pol says I'll change my mind. I suppose it's sort of expected. For us to grow up, get married and have kids. John had his first kid at my age. I most certainly can't see it happening any time soon if ever" I said

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