Our bodies dont define us

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Rose pov

Shopping! It's not something I've ever taken a particular liking to. Although I suppose in the right scenario, I do sometimes enjoy the feeling of freedom. Stripped of so many choices the moment I was born a girl, shopping is the one chance I get to make my own decisions. To make my own path. As silly as it sounds, I think of shopping as my baby steps to leading myself for the future. But like I said, it's all about the right scenario.

Take shopping with my brothers for instance, they are always picking out the ugliest of fashion choices, and taking away my right to dress how I like. It's either 'that dress is too short' or 'that top is too tight'. Shopping with aunt pol and ada is slightly better. I still get the annoying comments and the added 'Tommy won't like that' but with the added gossip. So my favourite person to shop with is Georgia. I feel like a free bird, leaving the nest, making my own way.

We save up for a few weeks and then go out to London and do some shopping. My brothers are unaware of this of course as otherwise if be forced to take bodyguards. But it works out so perfectly. Me and Georgia, arms linked as we buy whatever the fuck we want. Trying on clothes with one another, parading around like we own the world. That's what it feels like. The world is ours and only we can decide what happens to her

Me and Georgia were in London, walking through the busy streets arm in arm, money in our bras and a stride in our step. Not everyday I get to enjoy myself like this. Not everyday i get to truly be happy. The first shop we go into is a new French shop, 2 stories with designer dresses just waiting to be given a home. 'liberté' was the name of the shop, its tall structure soaring off into the sky as we entered its glamorous walls

Whilst in there, me and Georgia tried on many dresses. But something caught our eye and it was crying for some fun. Wigs. The most ginormous and timely wigs I had ever seen in person without it being in a news paper or old photo. They were hideous, don't get me wrong, but we made them work

"Don't you think i look smokin?" Georgia said spinning around and wiggling her eyebrows at me. I burst into laughter but answered her most needed question

"You lady banks look positively outstanding" I said in the poshest voice I could force as we prance around in these white powder puff wigs and hats that were twice the size of our bodies. It didn't take long before a woman kicked us out of the shop whilst yelling (what I can only presume to be stronger language words) in some other foreign tongue

As we walked down to the next shop, a whistle startled us, forcing both me and Georgia to look back and find the source of the noise. 5 teenagers, the youngest being in our year, staring at us whilst chuckling under their thin god awful mustaches, cigarettes in hand

"Go on then love. Flash us a tit" one of them yelled as I gasped in disgust. I gripped Georgia's arm tighter from fear and anger

"Give us something to remember hot stuff" another yelled. Suddenly my fear was gone and replaced with that of pure anger. Letting go of Georgia, I closed my eyes for a second and then opened them, prepared for what was about to occur. I stormed over to the boy who last spoke, ready to knock his teeth out. But I decided to be nicer. So I wouldn't stoop as low as them.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked angrily, pushing the guys chest

"Im your daddy baby girl. Now let me have some of the good stuff" if I had time, I would've vomited right then and there

"Youre a disgusting little boy who needs to grow a pair" Instead of punching them, I gave him a hefty slap in the face, making him fall to the floor hitting his head on the curb in the process. I went back over to Georgia and placed my hand in hers

"Come on G. Its just a BUNCH OF HORNY PRATS" I yelled the last bit so they could quite clearly hear. We turned away and walked far from the revolting, small dicked men. I tutted as we got round a corner but i felt Georgia's grip tighten suddenly on my hand

"Gia" i said shocked as I looked at her. Her hands were shaky on mine as she looked around helplessly, one hand on her neck trying to grip onto some oxygen

Georgia pov

The tightening in my chest increased, squeazing my oesophagus until no air could be met. The shear terror of feeling I was going to die, feeling that I was about to be met with the white light. Trembling like that of an ice man's, my hands closed around my neck, wanting nothing more than to breathe again

"Gia" I could hear the echoing sounds, ricochetting from my ear drum and back out the other end. The warm familiarity of roses voice brought me back to the real world, back to her. When I finally realised what had happened, I was sat up against a building, with rose sat next to me, holding my hand, tears in her orbs. Just one look into her trusting eyes overwhelmed me and all the fear and shock I had just felt flowed out of me like a river. Without any hesitation, she held me in her arms, kissing my forehead, telling me everything would be alright

Rose pov

Once Georgia had calmed herself down, I helped her up and hugged her tightly

"I'm sorry I just...i" I kissed her forehead and looking lovingly into her eyes

"Our bodies don't define us. And they can't frighten me" I said. She nodded her head although seemed unconvinced

"It's a man's world. That much I know" Georgia replied sadly. I hugged her again and we stood for many minutes just soothed by one another's presence

"Let's go home G. I'd say we've done enough shopping and if we're gone too long, Tommy might notice" she nodded her head faintly and so with her hand in mine, we set off on our walk to the train station.

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